Hi to all out there on this planet,
The impact of heavy cavalry in any army during the Napoleonic wars was immense , thundering down in tightly packed ranks onto the infantry , the most instantly known was of course Napoleons cuirassiers , along side the armoured carabiniers , Doman have released the Carabinier which I reviewed here on PF http://www.planetfigure.com/threads...er-from-dolman-miniatures.67280/watch-confirm.
Alongside they have now released the Cuirassier as well and that's what we will look at in this thread.
There are some really useful information on these troops on the original release thread from Dolman here:http://www.planetfigure.com/threads...ish-and-french-cuirassier.66884/watch-confirm.
The release title quotes the Spanish regiment this was the 13th formed from the 1st Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regt using the same equiptment as the French Regiments apart from the uniform colour of a deep red almost a crimson according to regulations although with the cheap dyes of the period this faded to a brown colour.
The bust could be painted in any of the Cuirassier regiments simply by research into the facing colours and we have the option of a sword or a pistol being used...good to have the choice, so well done Dolmam
Books are many of course here are a couple of good ones to read and have in the library.

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The impact of heavy cavalry in any army during the Napoleonic wars was immense , thundering down in tightly packed ranks onto the infantry , the most instantly known was of course Napoleons cuirassiers , along side the armoured carabiniers , Doman have released the Carabinier which I reviewed here on PF http://www.planetfigure.com/threads...er-from-dolman-miniatures.67280/watch-confirm.
Alongside they have now released the Cuirassier as well and that's what we will look at in this thread.

The release title quotes the Spanish regiment this was the 13th formed from the 1st Provisional Heavy Cavalry Regt using the same equiptment as the French Regiments apart from the uniform colour of a deep red almost a crimson according to regulations although with the cheap dyes of the period this faded to a brown colour.
The bust could be painted in any of the Cuirassier regiments simply by research into the facing colours and we have the option of a sword or a pistol being used...good to have the choice, so well done Dolmam
Books are many of course here are a couple of good ones to read and have in the library.

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