A Fixture

New project – Keos Mason’s “Daddy Figure”. I’ve been wanting to have a go at this for a while.
First impressions: the production is absolutely superb. Came in foam lined case with extra foam padding in delicate areas. Small parts individually wrapped in a cotton wool type material. A small part of the dog’s mane, delicate hair strands, snapped off. Otherwise perfect. No mould lines at all that I’ve seen so far and super sharp.

Torso after airbrushing and a little bit of shading with olive green ink. More to come, perhaps with oils and/ or alcohol ink.
Used a set of vinyl tribal tattoo stencils which were very tricky! Ended up hand painting most of the design. Rubbed off a lot of the paintwork on the chest and shoulder which didn’t work. I could add more but think I'll stop here. With the cyborg arm, neck chains etc, there's a risk of over decorating