WIP Death dealer


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Hi Simon,

Stepping away from a project can indeed be a good thing to do. I then paint on another model to keep the hands trained;)

I was thinking to search for pictures of a real leguaan or something, never thought about these great artists, although I have some books of them. Thanks very much for this great tip.

I hope soon to post pics of the finnished figure.

Take care an thank you the great tip,


They are great artists, not everybody's cup of tea I know but there is a lot to learn from these and others, I'm pleased the tip has helped.

Cheers Simon
He's looking good. The technique you've used on his flesh and clothing is reminiscent of Van Gogh, to my mind. Keep up the great work.
Pour un buste le conseil que l'on m'a donné récemment et que je trouve fort utile est de peindre les zones basses plus sombres que les zones hautes. Par exemple sur la coiffe, on voit que la tonalité est la même de haut en bas. En nuançant cela tu obtiendras un résultat plus convaincant. Pareil pour la peau, le visage, le cou et la poitrine ont exactement la même teinte. Le cou devrait être plus foncé car à l'ombre sous la mâchoire, le front plus clair que la poitrine.... Ce sont des pistes, toi seul peut savoir exactement ce qui est pertinent puisque tu as le buste en main. En espérant t'avoir aidé.
Looks great so far. I got this bust somewhere, but never got a concept for it.

Looking forward to see yours finished.
Great work, the skin tones are perfect, and I like the choice of colours used.

Hi Nap,

in my mind the death dealer is dead himself, kind of a zombie merchant. So I decided to use as little warm colours as possible, that's also why I didn't used any red on the cheeks or nose. There's a little bit of magenta round they eyes, but I toned that down a bit with glazes of the skintone.

Hi Simon,

Inspiration can come indeed from "strange" sources. I get a lot of inspiration from video games, movies, comic books and life itself of course.

Hello Clubcat,

Wow, what a great compliment. I'm not sure if I deserve this. But still a big THANK YOU!

Hello Bran,

For what I comprend from the French, I thing you are speaking about the zenithal lighting way of painting? I've used it also in the past, especially on historical models, but it limits one. It doesn't give ùuch rooù for things like bounce light, rim lights, etc. I also don't think that the light on the top of the head is different than on the top of the toes. That distance is way too small to get a colour difference, but it's an artistic choice of how to paint. For this project I've chosen to use the directional light technique. The light is coming from above on his left. This way I can concentrate more on enhancing the forms of objects. His head gear is a cilinde which is differently highlighted than his head, which is a ball, then his upperbody which is a cylinder again. I've included two pictures. The first one is taken from the direction of the lightsource, the second is from the shadowside, so you can see I've painted shadows to.

Hi Milbenplage,

This bust can be painted in so many way and colours, it's a pitty it was a limited run and isn't available for sale anymore. Make sure to show us some pics of yours once you start painting it!

Hi Mals,

Thanks mate. I now going to try to paint the skin of the lizard, well part of it, in orange. Very bright orange. So far i have used only cold and desaturated colours, so I think it might need some warmth. I just have to figure out how to paint it in a way it's not pulling all attention to him. I have found a pic of a real lizard in orange and black. Than will be my source of inspiration.

Thank you all for watching at the pics, giving comments and reading my ramblings,



Hi Gino

Always good to see your updates and definately not rambles ...lol

A bust where anything goes in respect of painting

..looking good so far hope we see more from this soon

Happy benchtime


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