December 16, 1944


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
An Amateurishly Planned German Secret
Operation Goes Completely Wrong ...!

In support of the German "Ardennes Offensive" (or Battle at the Bulge), a secret German command company began on December 16, 1944 under the code name "Greif".

Under the command of SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny ...

... a total of 2,676 members of the Wehrmacht and the SS - all of them volunteers - are deployed behind enemy lines.

Their orders:

At least to try to break the catastrophic balance of power (up to eleven Allies for every German soldier, up to eight British or American for every Wehrmacht tank).

In order to achieve this, bridges and allied supply stores in the Ardennes are to be captured and held until German front formations arrive, false orders issued to US formations, division command posts switched off and confusion caused to the opposing troops in every possible way.

The whole company is a completely illusory act of desperation by the German leadership - and, on top of that, poorly planned and poorly equipped!

Only 30 of the German soldiers deployed in "Greif" speak English - and that only very fragmentarily, but all of them wear Allied uniforms (mostly US-American) and are equipped with previously captured US material.

This exposes all of them to the risk of being shot immediately in the event of capture as "spies" according to the applicable international martial law (which they are not told beforehand, but many suspect).

That's why Skorzeny's against Hitler ...

... grandly promised "at least 3,000 volunteers" together, but actually almost 400 less!

Allied material, jeeps ...

... Ford-Trucks...

... and "Sherman" tanks with which one wanted to equip the soldiers, is also not enough in the back and front! For example, the troops had previously been promised 28 "Shermans", but they only get two - here you can see one that was previously photographed during tests with the later German crew ...:

So they make do with sometimes adventurous improvisations.

The strangest vehicles are twelve German "Panther" tanks, which are "camouflaged" as US M10 tank destroyers by means of welded-on steel plates ...

... whereby the telltale and typically German box drive for the chains cannot be camouflaged ...:

The German military bureaucracy even makes the effort (one won't believe it!) to properly typify this nonsense companion - and gives them the name "Panther G / M10 'Ersatz'".

German Sd.-Kfz 250 half-tracks are "camouflaged" as US M-110 halftracks by painting on a green-olive US paint and white stars ...:

Of course, no American falls for this nonsense!

None of the fake "M 10" get far - they are gunned down one by one by real US anti-tank defence ...:

Accordingly, the success of the company "Greif" is almost zero!

A US tank regiment is sent astray for a short time (to the next town where the mistake is quickly noticed) and an infantry company is encouraged to retreat through incorrect information. A command group captured an ammunition dump that was partially blown up.

Little by little the Allies catch one German saboteur after another. Quite a few die in a hopeless battle, most of them are captured alive ..:

Here is an excerpt from the list of arrested "Greif" members ...:

The Germans stand out for the fact that they only use US Jeeps in pairs - but the Americans usually have more people in them!

Here a fallen German soldier in US uniform in front of his destroyed Jeep ...:

The completely inadequately trained Germans can be convicted by asking the simplest questions, for example "What is the name of Mickey Mouse's girlfriend?" or "Which baseball team won the championship in 1934?"

The Allies show themselves - also for propaganda reasons, because word got around quickly! - Unexpectedly generous to the prisoners:

Most of them are treated as prisoners of war and are sent to appropriate camps.

Only five German commando soldiers - including the commander, Lieutenant Günther Schulz, were shot dead for "sabotage".

Here are three of them shortly before their execution - all still in US uniforms: Sergeant Manfred Pernass (with glasses) and Oberfähnrich Gunther Billing ...:

... and here Leutnant Schmidt…:

Much more confusion than Skorzeny's dilettante troop causes the "espionitis" triggered by the Allies!

After the "Operation Greif" was blown up, more than 2,500 US soldiers were briefly arrested by their own people as alleged German "spies" and "saboteurs" - but they were all released again afterwards.

Also two-star General Omar Bradley ...

... is briefly detained at a roadside check by the US military police, because he does not know the answer to the question "What is the name of the current husband of the actress Lana Turner?" .

**continued next post**
Part II - The Aftermath

Otto Skorzeny did not catch the Allies at first - he was able to break away and hide in the Alps under the pseudonym Rolf O. S. Steinbauer after the end of the war.

But he is recognized because of his distinctive scars on his face and faces the Americans on May 15, 1945 ...:

They hand him over to the German authorities for judgment - but with the help of the prison director (who is himself a Nazi dyed in the wool) he can escape from prison in Darmstadt and escape to South America via the "rat line" secretly organized by the Vatican.

The killer settles in Argentina ...

... and is even received (on the next photo on the left) by President Juan Peron (center) ...:

Later he goes to Spain, where the fascist Franco regime gives him protection and security ...:

He doesn't even have to take a false name to get a Spanish passport from the Franco regime!

Skorzeny died on July 6, 1975 at the age of 67 in Madrid, unmolested by the courts of lung cancer.

At his funeral in Vienna on July 16, 1975, many of his old SS cronies gave themselves the honor, of whom unfortunately far too many escaped the gallows!

In the back right you can see the ex-SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS Karl Wolf, chief of the “personal staff Reichsführer SS” and “liaison officer of the SS to Hitler” ...:

Sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for aiding and abetting murder in at least 300,000 cases ...

... Wolf, who in all seriousness claimed in court that he only found out about the Holocaust after the end of the war (as Himmler's closest colleague!), was granted exemption from imprisonment in 1969 due to incapacity for prison.

But he was obviously fit enough to travel to Vienna. The allegedly "incapacitated" died in 1984 ...
Interesting as always , deception that didn't work and many it seems got away with things living long lives in relative safety

Very famous pictures of the execution

Cheers Martin

Skorzeny was just one of a large number who cheated justice, and lived out their lives in comparative luxury. It is to be hoped that their consciences pricked them in their final moments, but then to do what some of them did, conscience was a burden.
Good post Martin, with some photos that are new to me.

The German commandos of "Unit Stiehlau" used the same tactics that were applied by Allied commandos likewise - disguise with uniforms of the opposing forces. As an example: the kidnapping of General Kreipe at Crete by British Commandos beside many other operations.
Without acchieving their operational goals the few commandos of "Unit Stiehlau" were quite effective in respect of the fear and confusion they caused when Günther Billing gave credit during his interrogation that there were other commandos tasked with the capture or killing of General Eisenhower.
A lot of GI`s failed to answer questions like "What is the biggest and smallest state of the US?" correctly and ended up in custody as German spies for a short time...
And several regular German soldiers wearing bits of captured US gear as additional protection due to the cold weather conditions were shot as "commandos" by Allied troops when they were captured.
O. Skorzeny gained fame as the "German Commando" that liberated Mussolini and therefore the reaction of the Allies in the Battle of the Bulge was somewhat hysterical. Skorzeny exaggerated his role in the Mussolini Raid and his skills were overestimated for a long time. Beside his unpleasant character and his political beliefs he did not commit any major war crimes or else as far as I know. Therefore I don`t understand the plot of this thread about him being a murderer and that he escaped "justice".
Otto Skorzeny faced at Dachau an Allied tribunal that acquitted him for the crime of issuing his men Allied uniforms when it was confirmed by a British Officer as witness that the Allied used the same methods. He then was turned over to the Prison Camp at Darmstadt to be interviewed as a possible witness to the Nuremburg trial. The circumstances of his escape from there are still not known. There is a high probabilty that the US Secret Service was involved. Skorzeny later even cooperated with the Mossad beside playing the Nazi Commando and by this betrayed some of the "old comrades" that lined his grave whe he died.
Hi Martin!

Hi Martin, this story of Skorzeny's escape from the Darmstadt prison through the help of former SS cronies (in whatever pay or in whatever order!) is a legend that Skorzeny himself started!

The escape helper was actually the prison director, without whose inside knowledge he could not have escaped!

As for the liberation of Mussolini:

This so-called "Unternehmen Eiche" (= "Operation Oak") on September 12, 1943 was carried out by 72 German airborne soldiers from the headquarters company, the 2nd Company and part of the 1st Company of the "Fallschirmjäger-Lehrbataillon" under the command of Luftwaffe Major Harald Mors, here next to Mussolini...:

These freed Mussolini!

However, through direct intervention with Hitler, Skorzeny was able to achieve that a 17-strong SS commando also took part under his leadership.

He was NOT the commander of "Operation Oak" (although he later said and wrote a lot to create exactly that impression!) According to their (un)importance, the SS men sat in the fourth and fifth cargo gliders that landed on the Gran Sasso massif.

AFTER Mussolini's liberation, however, Skorzeny did everything possible to capitalize on the company for himself!

So he forced his massive body...

... in addition to that of Mussolini and the pilot, into the tiny short take-off aircraft "Fieseler Fi 156" Storch "...

... which was totally overloaded with it and almost crashed despite a take-off distance of 2,100 meters!

This episole can be substantiated - there is a written report from the pilot, Hauptmann Heinrich Gerlach...

... to his superior, General Kurt Student.

This is how Skorzeny became - wrongly! - to the alleged "liberator" Mussolini; neither he nor his SS henchmen committed the slightest fighting at the company ...

The story of the Gran Sasso Raid is not new to me - as I said: Skorzeny exaggerated his role - although due to the difficulties during the decend of the gliders to the Gran Sasso the first gliders came in too low and had to circle one more time to gain more height which enabled the glider with Skorzeny to be the first to land near to the hotel. After the landing an officer of the Italian forces as a part of the German troops convinced the guards of Mussolini to surrender. Skorzeny had gotten into the glider just as a favor for his success to locate the Gran Sasso as the hiding place of the kidnapped Mussolini but later took all the fame and medals for conducting the operation. The protests of Major Mors were silenced.

Skorzeny was not the first and the last soldier that took away the glory from the real heroes and enjoyed an inflated reputation (that helped to increase the fears of the Allies during the Battle of the Bulge btw).
Nevertheless I don`t get why you call him a "killer" and that he escaped "justice" for committing a crime by using tactics that were common on all sides during WWII. These statements are not based on facts regardless how many pictures will be added to this thread. The same goes for his escape from prison - his stories cannot be taken seriously but there are indications that several secret services fell for his "commando" reputation before they noticed that he was simply a story teller. Until today there is no final proof for the real helper(s) of his escape and the possible involvement of Allied services. So why pretending to know "the truth"?

Cheers, Martin

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