December 25, 1644


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
Christmas Prohibited!

In 1644, a resolution by the English Parliament officially forbade the celebration of Christmas.

Inspired by the "Lord Protector" Oliver Cromwell ...

... decrees the parliament ...

... Christmas as "unbiblical".

This is justified by the fact that the date of birth of Jesus is not mentioned in the scriptures of the Bible (which is correct!) And Christmas is also a pagan festival (which is at least partially correct, since it goes back to the homage to a Roman god!).

In addition, Christmas at that time is often associated with exuberant celebrations and heavy alcohol consumption, which is also a thorn in the side of the Puritans!

After the death of Oliver Cromwell (1658, from malaria), the flight of his completely incompetent son and successor Richard ...

... into French exile (1659) and the reinstatement of the English kings (Charles II., 1660) ...

... the Christmas ban was over again.

The long arm (and the crude ideology) of the Puritans also reached into the New World ...:

In 1659, Massachusetts passed a law that not only prohibited celebrating Christmas, but made it a criminal offense!

The Christmas ban in Massachusetts had to be lifted again in 1681 under pressure from the English government, but Christmas did not become a public holiday until 1856.

And even today there are still countries in which Christmas is strictly forbidden!

In Somalia, Christmas was banned in December 2015 on the grounds that it was a Muslim country that had "zero tolerance" for non-Islamic festivals ...:

In Brunei, Christmas decorations and the singing of Christmas carols are banned by the government, as the festival - so the reason - "endangers the Muslim faith" ...:

The government of Tajikistan banned Christmas trees, fireworks, banquets and gifts on the "Festival of Love".

Even the Russian "Det Moroz" (= "Father Frost", a kind of Russian Santa Claus) is forbidden!

Wobei es dort bei den Verboten christlicher Feste durchaus nicht bleibt: Christen sind in Tadschikistan eine kleine Minderheit und werden staatlicherseits verfolgt und drangsaliert…:

Ant - where else? - also in North Korea the ruling Kim clique has put Christmas under curation ...:

By the way, like everything else that is or could be in any small connection with any religion ...:

Christmas days are normal working days!

The festival itself, festive decorations and gifts are of course prohibited by the state! But the roughly 200,000 North Koreans who follow the Christian faith have developed strategies to evade the ban across the board:

So you meet "by chance" in the park and exchange a few words about the festival and give a small gift.
Most of the time the police look away.

Others meet with family and friends, eat together and quietly sing Christmas carols behind closed doors.

However, if someone is caught doing it, the whole family is threatened with a labor camp ...

In the UK at least, it is less about religion and more about getting lots of "stuff", buying the equivalent food of a small Third World village, and chucking most of it in the food waste, because "that's what it's all about". I think it is past its sell-by date as a religious festival here, but as a money-generating exercise it is unsurpassed. All that BoP gold going to PRC in exchange for stuff we have forgotten how to make.

Oliver Cromwell v Charles II - I know which one I'd have voted for!!:giggle:

Love it! Mind you, jesters are funny - this character is far from that. What comes next might be worse of course. Next government, Socialist/Social Democrat alliance with a lone Green attached. You heard it here first!!:depressed:
I agree with Phil's comments , Christmas is too much commercialisation, money grabbing companies from areas

Interesting thread though , like the pamphlets produced
