Dee Moore - New Painter & New member


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Dee Moore has asked me to help her out in posting on planetfigure and has sent me some photos of her work to date along with text to explain about the photos.

Thought I would share with the PLANET the first busts and figure I
have painted. Also included is my next work in progress.
I am new to the hobby and joined PF just earlier this year.
I got interested in painting figures in mid 2005 at the IPMS show
here in Atlanta, GA. My husband is a tank and plane builder. What
caught my eye at the IPMS show was Andrea's "Gepetto's Dream" in
54mm. It was actually painted by one of the guys in the Atlanta Club.
Anyway, I told my husband I wanted to paint that, so he ordered me the
kit. To say the least.....there was/is a lot more to this hobby than I
thought. I did a lot of research and reading and was very frustrated.
I joined the Atlanta club in the fall of 2005. What a great bunch of guys,
they have been very helpful and very encouraging. I have also had the
good forune to meet and get to know Bob Knee Jr. He has given me
lessons and a lot of guidance. He has shared a lot of his knowledge
with me. I am very thankful to have gotten to know him.
I first attempted to paint in acrylics and found that there was more to
that then I thought and I actually found it a bit difficult. I switched to oils and found that
much easier for me as a beginner.
Galland was my first bust I did, then the Zouave, and then the Fusilier.
The last picture is my current project, LaSalle. I did my first conversion
on him. The trousers did not come with the kit and one of the guys
in the club pointed out to me that they were too short. He is holding
his hat in one hand and the hat hit the ground, so I knew I had to
do something. Well with some advice, I cut the legs in two and
added putty to make him taller. He came out pretty good, I think. I
also re-engraved the fur around his jacket. He is all undercoated
now... so I am ready to start the oils.
Future figures for now will be 120MM. A good scale for me to start
with, I can see what I am doing. I would like to try the smaller scales
down the road. The Gepetto's Dream is still in the box, so would like
to get to that one day.
I hope everyone enjoys the pictures.
Thanks... Dee Moore





Great work Dee, I've been painting figures for about nine years now. I changed about two years ago from oils to acrylics and I admit they are not the greatest paints to start with. The one thing I have learnt though, is you never stop learning!!!

Keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more.

Cheers Steve Walks (y)
Hi Dee

Congratulations on your first figures, you have done a great job, you are getting some great guidance, very good shading and flesh tones.

You have joined one of the best places in the world to see some of the best figure modellers/painters work, enjoy this brilliant cyber community

Hi Dee
super work.I really like the Granadier the colours are excellent.
I 've switch to acrylics three years ago and i'm very happy i did.I think they are ideal for 54mm. If you want to see what can be achived check this site:
hope you like it
Roberto :)
As another admirer of Bob Knee, I can clearly see his influence on your work. I especially like the blues on the Zouave! :)

Always nice to have another oil figurista on board ;)


Dee, if you just started painting figures last year I am going pack it in. I have been painting for over twenty years and very few of my piece look as good as yours. Keep it up. ;)
I really appreciate all the comments.

Keith... I take that as a huge compliment..about Bob's influence. He has
had a great impact on me.

Roberto.... I looked at that site... awesome.... I was really blown away
with the work.... something to strive for.

Matthew... Thank you.... this is great encouragment for me that I am
headed in the right direction. I am a very slow painter.. .my husband
has estimated the hours I take on one figure, he said appx. 182 hrs..
and he would like to see me step it up a bit. I only paint in the evenings
when I get home from work.. for about 2 and half hrs. Weekends I can
paint almost for 8 hrs.

But thank you everyone for your comments.

Dee, Welcome not only to Pf, but a great hobby as well. You are doing really nice work having only just started. As for your speed, or lack thereof, I prefer quality over quantity myself. I'd rather see 2-3 well painted pieces over 5-10 mediocre ones. Planet figure is a great place to not only pick up some valuable tips, but also expand your knowledge of the hobby itself.~Gary
Hi Gary,
I agree about the quanity vs quality.. I told my husband that exact thing.
I don't just want to paint to crank out a ton of figures. I want to learn
and understand what I am doing and enjoy doing it. Bob Knee and the
club is a great steady influence for me. Thanks for your note.