Hi Chris,
Thank you very much for your warm words. Great to hear at least one person liked my articles; that's what I did it for. I fear writing articles won't be something for the (near) feature for two reasons. First, due to my illness I have very limited time I can be "active". I need to set up, and break up, my fotostand each time I need to take pictures. Keeping tracks of colours and writing the articles themself also demands a lot of me, much more than what I have at the moment. secondly the magazine I was writing for has travelled down an whole other path than that I support. With the change of editors figures are pushed almost completely out of the magazine, except those to go with AFV's and I don't like to work for something I don't completely support. But, should you have any questions regarding figure painting, please don't hesitate to ask and I'll answer to the best of my abillities. And I also hope to post more regular here on the site and the forum.
Best wishes,