Detail Painting in 54mm


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Well I'm not sure whether to be inspired or intimidated K. (y)
Absolutely exquisite brushwork and a fine artist at her best - well worth the time spent to watch how the effects and images are built up. Sacrilegious to say perhaps, but I found the overall finished figure a bit overwhelming (although I can certainly see why a collector would desire such a beautiful object in the same way as a Faberge egg and I am deeply jealous of her painting ability)

Well I'm not sure whether to be inspired or intimidated K. (y)
Absolutely exquisite brushwork and a fine artist at her best - well worth the time spent to watch how the effects and images are built up. Sacrilegious to say perhaps, but I found the overall finished figure a bit overwhelming (although I can certainly see why a collector would desire such a beautiful object in the same way as a Faberge egg and I am deeply jealous of her painting ability)

Certainly overwhelmng Leggy but what a talent ......and she's a pretty woman as well !

Great to watch though

A great post. Artistic skill of this level is outstanding and truly world class (whether the painter is pretty or otherwise is irrelevant. Tut...tut...Nap ! Careful
old chap, we don't want you to fall victim of the 'Me too' lot) It's clearly the result of formal training, finely honed observational skills, a deep understanding
of the medium, and hours and hours and hours of intense practice. We should all study demos like this carefully, take mental notes, and try our utmost to
emulate what we see. We can gaze lost in wonder and admiration, but we need not be intimidated. Instead, we should use it to inspire us to raise our game.
Whoever the lady is, she's an absolute magician with a paintbrush - if it is Olga, then she's also very nifty as a sculptor.

Hi Guys


Always careful ! is Olga and I understand she has been formally trained you say a magician and a good post as well

I give up, just when I think I have done a good job painting.

No giving up mate ...your works great its always a pleasure to see ...this is what the hobby is all about enjoying what ever you do no matter what level

Happy benchtime one and all

A great post. Artistic skill of this level is outstanding and truly world class (whether the painter is pretty or otherwise is irrelevant. Tut...tut...Nap ! Careful old chap, we don't want you to fall victim of the 'Me too' lot)

Nah ... carry on Kev! Fortunately in my experience the vast majority of women are perfectly sensible and know how to take a well-intentioned compliment. It's just unfortunate that it's always the tub-thumping "activist" types (egged on by virtue-signallers in the mainstream) who make the most noise and so usually end up setting the agenda because they have everyone else running scared of causing "offence", or feeling guilty about holding certain opinions and so being cowed into silence. Same with everything these days sadly (not just feminism) and a backlash against all this oppressive PC bollox is long overdue.

It's clearly the result of formal training, finely honed observational skills, a deep understanding of the medium, and hours and hours and hours of intense practice. We should all study demos like this carefully, take mental notes, and try our utmost to emulate what we see. We can gaze lost in wonder and admiration, but we need not be intimidated. Instead, we should use it to inspire us to raise our game.

Have to agree with that Mike, but even so I think that formal training can only take you so far. Some people have a natural ability for artistry, music, maths or whatever that transcends what us mere mortal Joe Averages are capable of, even when we're pulling out all the stops on a good day. You can't teach it and you can't learn it. You've either got it or you haven't.

I've only quickly whizzed through this video but I've bookmarked it to watch properly at some point later when I have time. I can't hope to emulate the final results of what it shows, but I've already picked up a few potentially useful technique tips. So thanks Kev for the share.

- Steve
Somebody once told the legendary golfer Gary Player that he was very lucky to be so good at the game "Yes" he said " and the more
I practice the luckier I get....."
Even as a dedicated oil painter of 40 years...I will hold my hand up and the right hands...this is where acrylics excel.
As absolute joy to watch it evolve.
Greatest respect to the 'artist'.

Having tried some low level detail painting over the years with very limited success, I'm always awestruck by her work.
The relaxed, easy flowing way the image comes together clearly is a tribute to meticulous planning realised by a world class talent .
Just managed, on this quiet and damp(hurrah!) Sunday morning, to watch this video through.....amazing, considering that it's 54mm as well :wideyed:. The mirror image of the freehand design comes as a revelation, too (as does the nail colour change, so she doesn't paint these masterpieces all in one day!) I've always deeply admired the Russian method, ever since we first saw their work at EuroMilitaire back in the early '90's. And what a commotion they caused back then, being young, very attractive, and very talented.
Always a delight to see Olga's work , if indeed that's whose work it is.
Artistry at its best.