Detail sanding


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May 10, 2005
Hello all-
I took my first stab at sculpting my own 54mm figure this weekend with mixed, but useable, results. I didn't invest in magic sculp, but had some milliput, so I used that. The surface of the face needs a bit of smoothing, so I'm going to sand it and was wondering: does anyone have some tips on detail sanding, getting into tight angles w/o destroying details, etc?

When the scene gets a bit further along I will post some pics; it's a vignette based on J. Allen St. John's cover art for Edgar Rice Burroughs' "At the Earth's Core." Basically, two cave people menaced by a pteranadon (spelling?).

Hi Matt

Welcome to the Planet, detail sanding is a difficult area, you could try a little tip I picked up at college. Used bits of thick flat plasticard cut to various shapes and sizes then using double sided tape, stick 600, 800, 1000 wet and dry, to some of the surfaces, giving you a small file set, shaped to any shape you want

hope this helps

Thankyou. Double sided tape! I've tried everything I could think of to glue sanding film to shaped sticks and nothing really holds well. Will try the tape trick.
Thanks again,