DG-Artwork New Release (September 2021)


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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
[COLOR=var(--accent)]DG Artworkhttps://www.facebook.com/dgartworkm...gq1fqQMWJ3UoQq3aWRYVJPvhvgdUzCnT&__tn__=-]K-R News[/COLOR]
We are very proud about announce new release figure for September 2021
This new release figure is 1/9 bust figure ' Scottish Piper, Black watch'
Please check following informations.

We hope to like it.
Scottish Piper, Black watch
Code : DG09B008
Size : 1/9 Bust figure
Material : Resin
Scuplt & Paint : Dae Hyeong Kim
Pieces : 16
Shipping available : 5. Oct. 2021
We will send parcel step in orders

We hope to like it.
Thank you very much and have a nice day.
Best regards,
[COLOR=var(--accent)]DG Artworkhttps://www.facebook.com/dgartworkm...gq1fqQMWJ3UoQq3aWRYVJPvhvgdUzCnT&__tn__=-]K-R


DG09B008 Boxart.jpg
DG09B008 (9).jpg
DG09B008 (10).jpg DG09B008 (4).jpg DG09B008 (3).jpg DG09B008 (1).jpg DG09B008 (12).jpg
What period is this meant to represent ? I've only seen black watch pipers with beards during or just after the Crimean war when beards were permitted, and the uniform was different to what's shown here


Nice to see the artwork on this .....none know a source for tartan paint !

Intrigued about the actual date ....can't ID the medal in the ref picture ....looks late Victorian early 1900's .....

Possibly a volunteer or piping award ??

Might add a medal ..or 2 on mine !..

Thanks for sharing

Scots Guards:

Assorted Pipers' uniforms - scroll down for the Black Watch: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f342/army-pipers-uniform-rrs-94092/

Some pipers are clearly seen with beards; in the British Army, Pipe Majors amongst others are allowed beards.

Spoke with a former Pipe Major and Drum Major at length over this issue. Both served with the Black Watch and both with 20+ years of service each. Traditionally it’s only the Drum Major that wears a beard. However on certain occasions it’s allowed for the Pipe Major to wear one but not very often.

He still needs, kilt, legs &c.

Firstly, i should declare a special interest in this figure. I served with the regiment.

I am deeply delighted to see this figure in the flesh and thrilled to have an opportunity to try to do it justice. However, the below are some points to consider!

It was / is rare to see a Pipe Major or piper from the Black Watch with a beard. However, I believe the current (or previous) pipe major from 3 Scots (the Black Watch) wears / wore one.

The Hackle in the feather bonnet is both too tall and too narrow for a modern era figure - an easy fix with some putty. The Hackle should stop inline with the top of the bonnet. (The size and shape of the hackle worn both in the feather bonnet and TOS has changed over time).

The Sphinx badge is also missing from the Bonnet too, (located on the left hand side, below the hackle).

There are two issues with the sporran (which has been cropped short) - the plate is the wrong shape and is too small and the tassels are too long (the leather 'cover' on them is also much too small).

The green for the jacket is much too light. (The colourised photo is not at all representative of the colours of the actual uniforms).

However, there are alternatives to consider with regards to the jacket - a white jacket for the tropical uniform as worn during the handover to Hong Kong, the darker green or the almost black uniform as worn by the Black Watch of Canada (though you would have to sculpt the name badge onto the right upper arm!)

Thank you for releasing this figure.


tfZDcJh.jpg d588454cc52624cfdec2912b6df80f1c.jpg 259423f657bb08a69b2952039fb3a9a1.jpg 2016-06-22-20-28-28.png mWYPWAE.jpg FB_IMG_1578340059632.jpg imengine.editorial.prod.rgb.navigacloud.com.jpg 4-red-hackle.jpg kefsoq6.jpg

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