Display and dust


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Active Member
Sep 23, 2011
Hi all,

Just wondering what individuals in the community use for displaying their work. With dust being the never ending issue for all scale modelers and miniature painters.

The challenge also comes down to size, I guess. Protecting a single figure or bust would probably require a cabinet, whereas a vignette or diorama may be individually covered by plexi/glass.

Would love to hear what you use.

Hi there

You are indeed right , I like many use a tall glass display cabinet but dust still creeps in!!

It's a matter of ( for me ) cleaning shelves out regularly and carefully dusting the busts ( all I paint ) with a rather fetching make up brush which has very soft bristles



PS in a similar note I would be interested how folk cope with a house move and their resin treasures ?
Dust really is the eternal foe. I have my stuff two different display cabinets and one of them, the Ikea glass one, leaks like a sieve so if anybody has any ideas, I'm open.

With regards to moving house, I plan to do so in about three years and I've already said I will move the figures, nobody else! I suppose its like taking figures to a show, only multiplied to the enth degree.

One has to accept that moving figures is fraught with danger, I've damaged figures moving them from one side of a room to the other. This is an advantage to busts and certainly flats.
Some of mine sit in a display cabinet, however, each one has its own dedicated box for storage and transport (most reside in their boxes)
You can have a look at a couple in my old post:- https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/transporting-figurines.77679/#post-803657
The retainers in the boxes even allow them to be upside-down (but preferably not).
When going to shows I take a photo of the filled 'Really Useful' transport box, and that ensures a simple re-pack at the end of the day.
Dusting is achieved by either a soft brush or gently blowing air through a plastic tube.

Yes boxes ....
some collectors buy 2 - 3 garages just to have the place for the boxes, Forbes had a palace for the figures and .... 2 airplanes hangars for the boxes ;)
You might try a mascara blower to blow off dust from individual models....... Being a cheap skate ,I use clear soft drink bottles,cut off the bottom to the correct height for the model ,and then remove the top neck.Hole is then glued/covered with a round of clear plastic from another food box.My models sit on homemade shelves,covered with these domes,so I can see 'em......virtually as clear as glass,just pick a good clear bottle with no ribs ;)

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