Everyone raises very good points here as always.
I am currently speaking of myself for myself and no one else. So to Alan's point don't look for insults - THERE ARE NONE INTENDED but read this in the hope that you might look at things differently.
Perhaps In my mind things are too simple. When I see a problem I identify the problem, and attempt to address it. I refuse to play a game of subtle innuendo-I'm not the smart, nor do I have enough time to think up subtle prose and innuendo to make anohter person look silly simply to gain satisfaction from it. And BTW-I know what my faults are, know that I get angry and I know I don't give up too easily.
It is one thing to disagree with others-even passionately disagree. A good example is the old History vs art argument-one can agree to disagree and respect the other side-it can even fall into an argument - passion about something always produces emotions. BUt one can walk away from those arguments and not HATE eachother personally or try to consistently provoke them. I argued with Dani last week-do I dislike him now? No, DO I not respect him or his right to have his view? No. He may feel differently, but as far as I am concerned- I actually admire his passion. We both took that argument too far.
Quang raises the "loud mouthed bullies"-but who is the loud mouthed bully? the one who simply gets angry, or the one who quietly provokes the argument in the first place simply to create troiuble because it stumulates them in some way? WHo is the one that is "deleted", "Banned" or "removed"? Or which one should "bow out gracefully". DO I decide? Does Quang decide? Does ALan decide?Does Guy Decide? Do we have a vote? Gordy, as the forum owner is the ultimate arbiter, but what should he do? Logic dictates if you have two weeds crawling towards eachother threateining your lawn, you kill BOTH weeds-even the "pretty" one. These disagreements happen everywhere. The membership itself usually weeds out who they don't like.
Robin raised the point about "the ego line"-how far is that line ? and he's right-we don't know. But we need to differentiate between a "personal attack" and "addressing someone personally" to Alan's point. What strikes me is that we seem to be ok with raising issues with someone's figure if they are not here to address those views-however If we dare raise concerns about someone's work to their face, addressing them personally it is seen as a personal attack. It seems like we tiptoe and not use eachother's names so as not to offend? Why? To me that inidcates distrust and lack of respect.
I make no secrets about my positions on certain matters. I don't write eloquently-or subtly, or in innuendo-I write directly. I write to the person I am speaking to. I don't play games and pretend to be positive when I heartily disagree with something. If asked, I will give a critique of work (note not criticism, critique-anyone who ever went to art school knows they can be scathing in "real life"). If I don't like someone I don't pretend to in order to keep the peace. I won't attack first, but if attacked-even very subtly- I will defend myself vehemently. I may not always be "nice" but I am not a hypocrit. Yet, here I find all of the qualities I grew up admiring, admonished by a select few.
Again, this was written about me, for me-I really don't much care about what the reaction is anymore, I for one am sick of fighting over what? Bragging rights to an online forum about figure painting? Selling a few commissions that buy me a few good dinners? I respect most of the people on this forum-your talents, your personalities, your honesty. The remainder in my view can enjoy their little chunk of happiness/bitterness on their own. At the end of the day I have my family, my firends, my art, my work and my sprawling 20 acre estate :lol: just kidding, had to lighten it up a bit!
To Gordy, I say thanks. To Guy, I say sorry-but cut the remove the "auto delete" key :lol: and to the rest of you I say thanks!
Cheers and regards!
PS-Damn, that was long! Sorry

And be advised, unless I am kicked out, this was not a farewell I'm taking my toys and leaving speech, just my views on what to me has been a painful experience - and most of you don't even know what I am talking about!