Does anyone do large figures?


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Jan 4, 2011
Davenport, IA
Is there anyone here that does large (200+mm) figures? I haven't seen any pictures posted, so it made me wonder. I've never really found an interest in the "miniatures" because they seem to be predominantly military/historical. I'd rather do sci-fi, fantasy, horror, etc. Then of course there is that issue with size, 52 yr old eyes, and 52 yr old patience level, which is one reason I gave up on 1/72 aircraft.
hey mate, if you love sci-fi and fantasy, I have completed a 1/4 anime girl plus many other large scale girls of which a few are shown on this forum.

you will also find a few others here you have done 1/6 scale military figures (naked army) too

look foward to seeing your work.
Hi Michael, go to they will cater for all your neeeds. Don't be put off because they are in Hong Kong. Service is excellent and quality top notch.
Cheers, Ron
I do primarily 1/16-120mm and above, with a good number of 200mm and a few 1/8 and 1/6th. I have a few fantasy figs. One is Kratos from God of War, in 1/6 scale. Got him off e-bay. I also have a 1/8 scale "Celtic Barbarian" (don't call him Conan) that I got off e-bay as well, a 1/6 Lara Croft from Jimmy Flintstone and a 1/6 Warriors Pirate half-figure.
Hi Michael:

I will agree that most posts w/ SBS photos, or completed figures, are of
historical and Military subjects. And I do those as well. And have done a
number of 1:16th scale WWII full figures. But like you, I also enjoy doing the
fantasy and sci-fi figures as well. As you know, with this genré there are no
hard and fast rules re what colours you paint your subject with. The skin can
be purple or green or whatever, and no one can say you're wrong. And by
contrast, the ACW Federal's cavalry jacket, was indeed, a certain colour of
blue and so figure painters try to come as close to that colour as they can.

You're 52 and I am 74, and a retired artist. And that is one other reason why
I like fantasy and Sci Fi. I can really expand my palette and have a lot of fun
with colour. I think colour really attacts the eye, especially with the right
colour combinations.

Now in saying the above, I also want to state that I've never been made to
feel as an outsider here on PF. And I get a great deal of encouragement
from the well mannered ladies and gentlemen who regularly post their
comments. So I think you can post your images and have no fear of being
slighted by fellow Planeteers.

I hope I am not showing poor manners on the topic you originated,
by including one photo of a fantasy bust in 250mm by Yedharo Miniatures,
in Valencia, Spain. Sometimes a picture is better than a thousand words.
I had a great deal of fun painting this bust and really was able to use a
rather extended colour palette. I painted base coats in acrylic, and then
oil paints over that. Forgive me, please, if I am being in bad form by
adding this photo in a post you originated.

Kind regards,

The Miami Jayhawk


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I've got a couple of larger-scale kits in my stash, anime and fantasy girls, some MiniArt historical, but I haven't started them for the same reason that I've stayed away from 1/35 aircraft and 1/350 ships--I just don't have display space for them. I'm gradually renovating my house, and I have space set aside, but it's going to be a while.

I'll second the endorsement of e2046. They have a great selection, great service, and there's a lot of interesting work showing on their forum, too.

hey guys, in the spirit of Planet Figure, I would like to remind you that E2046 is a known recaster (except for their ORI figure line which they sculpt themselves)

Please ensure to try and get the original through the proper networks before supporting them

anyways - back on topic. Its nice to see so many GK painters on here. I thought I was one of the only few. Please show us your works soon!

One place I have bought many kits from with no problems, that has a decent selection of larger scale fantasy/sci-fi/horror is monsters in motion. ( They do carry a lot of "ready to display" stuff but also have a decent amount of "do it yourself" kits, you may find something that peaks your interest there.

Take care,