PlanetFigure Supporter
Here's something on the bench that I have been working off and on for a while. It's a 100mm size figure of a drummer from the 56th New York Volunteers. The 56th was also called the 10th Legion to reflect the fact that the unit was made up of infantry, cavalry, and artillery. The unit had an interesting shield that was worn on the uniform. The shield had a dark blue X on either a light blue (infantry), green (riflemen), red (artillery), or orange (cavalry) shield.
Though I prefer to work in a particular scale, but the yet to be named manufacturer wanted it to go with 100mm figures. Being that the figure is supposed to depict a boy I sculpted him in a size that reflects his youth. The main thing here is I wanted him to look like a kid and not a cartoon of a kid. All to often miniatures of children look cartoony, no doubt in no small part to the small size one has to sculpt. The somewhat ill fitting jacket and trouser help to give him that youthful look. Better pictures of the face/head are on the way.
Though I prefer to work in a particular scale, but the yet to be named manufacturer wanted it to go with 100mm figures. Being that the figure is supposed to depict a boy I sculpted him in a size that reflects his youth. The main thing here is I wanted him to look like a kid and not a cartoon of a kid. All to often miniatures of children look cartoony, no doubt in no small part to the small size one has to sculpt. The somewhat ill fitting jacket and trouser help to give him that youthful look. Better pictures of the face/head are on the way.