Drummerboy 77 the East Middlesex


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The boelg mounted by a barbarian

This time a little bit of fantasy. It is inspired by old fantasy style like Frazetta or Vallejo.
It's a 54 mm/1:32 mini made with Fimo. As this mini will be release by a company I proceed to the cutting of the different pieces as shown on the last picture. It's the most complicated thing I've made for now, I'm pretty happy with the result
I hope you will like it.
All the best







Fantastic Fantasy sculpting, Remy

OhMa'Gosh, Remy:

I see that you're not only gifted with doing historical subjects, you are also
equally comfortable in the Fantasy genré. I just love this Fastasy Equestrian
figure with that amazing creature.

You really have a very artistic and creative imagination. And it translates so
well to this particular piece. There are so many subtle things about this
beautiful piece that are almost unique, or rare to see on a piece of this kind
of sculpting, i.e. the unusual way the right hand holds that huge battle staff;
the partial mask across the face, the rather unique way of fashioning
stirrups that the figure is standing up in. Here is evidence of so much good
planning and intelligent thinking.

And lastly, the mount this soldier of fortune is riding. Me thinks it is like a
prehistoric Gerogia Bulldog. . . ah . . . before Georgia became a state in
the USA. Jussss kidding. Altho the face does remind one of a bull dog. For
those outside the USA, and not into college sports, the University of
Georgia in SEastern USA has a mascot for their teams. It is a Bulldog. . .
And his name is Ugga. . .

Beautiful work,

Hi Remy
I've been watching your work for some time now ,and the stuff your turning out is truly amazing.Also love your website.
Thank you Everybody :)
Pour ma palette j'utilise des Model Color. Un rouge 909, uniforme anglais, chair bronzée, chair claire, bleu vert, jaune matt, ivoire, agate, noir, et un peu de bleu de Prusse pour la couverture et les yeux. Après tout est affaire de mélanges pour obtenir les tons dont j'ai besoin... Il n'y a malheureusement pas de recette miracle, juste un peu d'attention dansla confection des mélanges et surtout beaucoup beaucoup de retouches au fur et à mesure que les différentes parties avancent.

Les détailles sont incroyable, j’ai bien aimé les tonalités utilisé aux yeux et dans la bouche.
Avez-vous utilisé en peu de la peinture à l’huile ?

Au plaisir.

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