Dust...How do you deal with it??


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A Fixture
Oct 14, 2004
Hello all my friends,

I post this topic because i'm interested in seeing how figure modellers deal with dust, and prevent is from going into fresly painted surfaces, or even during painting sessions.
My main concern is during painting. Personally I try to keep my place clean most of the times, so there is no much dust around.. but that's all.
What's your way?

Hi Xenofon,

When i have wet paint, i put them in the drybox. Let them there untill the entire figure is painted. When the figure is done, it goes into a showcase.
I was actually wondering, about the dust during the painting session, while you paint I mean. It's very easy to have dust sticking on your figure while you paint, and that's really annoying.
So far I didn't have any serious problems... but some people may have, and some tips would be more than welcomed.

I know what you mean Xenofon, I had some minor problems when small dust particles stuck on the wet surface. I just try to keep the place clean, nothing more than that, haven´t found a way to be 100% dust free during painting session.

Dear Xenofon, dust & hair or clothing fibres are problems we'll never totally get rid of. To help reduce things I put my figures away in a cabinet whilst theyr are drying, if I'm doing a mounted piece a will cover it in a very light plastic bag, obviously being careful where it touches....
These things are always a problem. I try to keep my room as clean as possible but yet I always notice little bits of matter in my freshly mixed putty. As for storing freshly painted pieces, keep them in a cabinet orplastic storage box. that will at least keep them dust free for the time they are stored.~Gary
It seems that keeping the place tidy is the best solution and that's what I do. For the freshly painted parts or figures, I keep them in my drying box, and then into the display cabinet.

The simplest solution that I have managed to come up with are empty rocordable CDs/DvDs spindles.
Since I paint with oils I kept running into the dust issue constantly, finally I realized that through work I have a supply of ready to use see-through containers. These come in various heights of 50 or 100 CD/DvDs capacity and are perfect for storing figures in various scales. They are stackable which allows me to have two (or3) storeys of drying figures at the time ;) .
Since they are see-through I place the "freshly painted" container near the window to let the sun dry them a bit :)

The paper labels just come off and all you have is a clear lockable container
I always keep empty space for 2-3 new figures in the display case , soin all waiting times the figure is putted in the closet . thats the best i can do
Well I have the same problem and it's very annoying. I' m painting my first flat now and although everybody says it's really good, someone noticed a little thiny microscopic hair on it ! Very very frustrating indeed.
I 'll try the cover up method from now on
Thank you very much