Details of the release are as follows:
Title: Dwarf Lord
Reference: SM10/004
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Gray Resin
No of pieces: 2
Sculptor: Peter Gillson
Casting: In House
Box Art: Peter Day
As with the last releases the resin was in a nice simple white box with a colour glossed picture on the top of the box art by Peter Day with a smaller head shot on the side

Resin itself was packed in bubble wrap
Parts consist of just 2 , a one piece casting of the Dwarf and a substantial base
General comments
This is a very new company and sculptor who is learning with every release , yes these are not the likes of certain other companies but what they are are ie: FUN to paint and a REASONABLE cost
I have however seen worse castings from more established ones
Expect a bit of prep/ tidying things up ( we will see this here on this review piece ) but the effort will be worth it
Base ...Sanding around lower edges to remove the excess resin and fit to bust ( pinning is suggested )
Main Torso... Helmet had a casting line at the back with another following this line on the hair
... Air hole to fill on the braided hair beard
... General cleaning up on lower edges of shoulder armour
... Fill holes in the underside of bust
... Wash resin to remove any casting residue
Then Prime and Paint!!!!
Lets look at the Resin
The Main event
Peter has gone for the classic look with his dwarf well armoured and with a braided beard that most would love , he is a lord and a leader both on and off the field of battle , well protected with large shoulder pieces and chest protection.
The details on the shoulder armour is good with each having a lion head , these are repeated at the back holding his cloak in place
The helmet he wears is more than shows his status with a nice design sculpted on each side similar to a portcullis , running over the centre from front to neck is a raised "comb" , this needs a bit of work to clean up at the back .
I am happy to say there is no nose guard allowing easy access to the face
The face is a rugged and a rather cheeky looking one making him look like he is smiling under the mass of hair .
Eyebrows are peeking out from under the helmet edge
The nose is bulbous and adds to the overall character of the piece
The eyes are slightly off level with the left as you look at him lower and slightly smaller but with careful painting this can be sorted in my opinion , in fact looking at the box art it makes him look as though he is raising his right eye .
The beard ...WOW ...its impressive to say the least , a total of 5 heavily criss crossed hanging down the centre one being the largest ...painting will really bring these details out , the same goes for the long hair which hangs at the sides and rear.
Under the nose we have walrus style moustache and a piece of beard sitting on top the centre braided line.
As said at the rear there is a cloak held in place by 2 lion heads ornaments , with a small portion of the cloak from each , again the lions are not bad at all with the cloak having folds.
The piece has various straps which have undercuts that pronounce them well
Lets have some pictures of the man himself ...
And some detail shots...
A large one is included angled at the top which fits cleanly to the underside , of course you have the option to use this or not .

Final Thoughts
A interesting release which will get painters swirling the brushes , some casting issues but to be honest well worth the prep , and more importantly its retailed at a very good price .
Lots of options in colour schemes , ie on the armour , the beard , the result will give the painter what he wants an enjoyable time at the bench having FUN
Sarnia Miniatures are well worth adding to you favourites , I am sure there will be lots of very interesting and indeed diverse subject not covered by the major companies.
Nice one Sarnia ...keep it up with future releases
For more details contact him at :
[email protected]
or via a personal message here on PF ( username PLG )
now we have the website as well :
Thanks to both Peter's for the sculpting and the artwork
....also of course you all for looking in
Happy modelling