Dynamesh Punisher


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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, England.
ZBrush ScreenGrab01.jpg
made from odd shapes pushed, pulled and welded in a jiffy with Dynamesh.
you can see it in action on Z Central and U Tube. lots of vids around. i did this one with 4R2 but now have the 4R4 upgrade which has another new feature called Q-Remesh which remeshes a sculpt in to quads!! :) didnt have that on this guy. also- Q-rmesher can reduce ,double or keep the same Polycount. darned cool way of decimating a large count down if you have some limit.
hope this is interesting and helps support a fledgling forum.

happy modelling everyone-- tim :)
yes it can; ZB can do booleans with a click using its' Insert brushes (sphere, cylinder ect) plus by holding Alt it can also core out a joint shape or create a shell. very powerful tool that is improving all the time. one of my top spends i reckon.
was a bit confusing to navigate at first but then isnt everything new? the trick i find is in using the Brush Depth slider and Stoke pallette to get the effects you might want. took me a time but worth it.
hope thats even more helpful to you.

atb --tim:)
That would be worth the purchase alone. Currently I use 4 different 3D applications to do coring and 4 different applications to sculpt. What are minimum systerm requirements?
What do you have it installed on?
well at first i had it on an old laptop of less than 1GB from 2005 but last december i bought a Hp Pavillion HPE with an I7 3.3hz and 8GB mem plus a TB of storage. i wanted a dedecated computer for CG/reference ect and wasnt going to use it for the net...... that didnt last !!! :)
the old comp just slowed to a snail's lick eventually but could handle zb untill the poys went skyward then it would present the screen o death... :)

my current one will do 20 mill or more while making tea so its like anything i guess; right tool for the job.

atb --tim
I've got a Dell Studio XPS 7100 with an AMD Phenom II 3.ghz processor and 6GB RAM with 1 TB hard drive and a usp storage drive with 3TB. I think your i7 is a much better cpu though. I like the idea of having lap top to, I can plug it into my 50" 1080p Plasma screen and do work while I sit in my lotus chair :)
well that should do nicely!
comfort is definitely king so a good armchair would bo well. i am typing at my comp desk but whilst i have a chair worth hundreds, i still get sore at times. i am imposing a 2 hr limit on digi the i have to go do some Trad sculpting at my stand to reset my back and such. :)
i'd suggest the free trial for 30 days and go from there if you like it. i did and dont regret paying for it plus like the castilene being re-useable, you get free upgrades! bargain. :)

atb --tim