WIP "Easy Pickins"


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Hi Ski

There’s some interesting points and responses from all , your certainly our gardening expert

Great dedication and fine modelling as well

I’m off to hide from any flying rolling pins but in the meantime here’s some 💐 for the lovely lady

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

What’s the hold up?

Hold up it ain’t, but slow it is, since January 31. We’re at a turning point now, as in, turn the base and work the lean-to/shop, HA! Making grass and creek foliage was a very slow process and just when I thought I had enough, I had to make more. So, now that this portion of the base is complete, I’ll give a quick run-down on the process.

A lot has happened since the last update, but it doesn’t really look like it, so I avoided piddly updates and chose to combine all of it into one. You can see the front of the lean-to has more grass, small flowers, and the wash area has moss added. I still need to apply a wet look to it, but avoid a standing water appearance. I just need it looking wet.


I also decided to ditch the huge pinkish and yellow fern type flowers, they were just way too big and would have detracted from the scene. Keeping the base foliage on the down-low as much as possible and still giving a decent appearance of realism was the direction I chose. All of the tall grass had to be bundled and some even have seed pods for an added feature.


The Heki Grass I initially used had way too many voids so I had to produce quite a few grass clumps myself. I tried to disperse the scratch clumps in a random fashion and mixed up the colors to add visual interest. After close scrutiny I felt the area looked natural enough to move on.

The small water feature on the edge of the base board was treated with Mig’s Slimy Grime, Dark and Light. I did this to add depth before the moss was added to the wash area. I drew the light tone out and up the edge of the wash to simulate water elevations according to seasonal flow. So far, so good.


There aren’t any photos of the upgraded Cat Tails that were made earlier, but the method for making those is quite simple. FYI, having a decent paper cutter does help, btw. For the Cat Tail placement I used a thin punch for each hole and glued them in place. I went back through the area with plain reeds, no Cat Tails, and filled any voids on both sides of the wash. Reviewing photos of Cat Tails from all over the globe I found it necessary to really fill in as much as I could along the water’s edge for realism.


Once the Cat Tail details were finished, I poured the water effect using Woodland Scenic’s Realistic Water. This water effect will leave voids if you don’t catch all the bubbles, and it does creep up everywhere it has a chance, so plan ahead. I avoided the appearance of most of the creep by pouring in several layers even though this is way less than the maximum pour depth recommended. I tinted the water slightly, or so I thought, but it’s a bit deep in color. Oh well, too late to change that, HA! Onward,…………


Once the wash area was complete, I worked my way outward from the Cat Tails. You will notice a furry type foliage right after the Cat Tails, this being a type of moss I found way up high in the local mountains right at the edge of a stream busting out of the roadside rock face. It seemed to fit the part and worked great for this aquatic scenery, so I ran with it.

After the moss I again filled in any voids that came with the Heki Grass and did so as random as possible. I then added the tall grass and yellow flowers. Keep in mind, one of the German figures is located within this corner, so I couldn’t get too carried away with the tall grass or flowers.


Now that this portion of the base has been completed, finally, I can work the lean-to in the same manner. I will place all of the extras, as well as the Ranger and Harley, and check for any spatial conflicts. I still feel like I’m missing more junk, small junk, to add to the effect. But, once I get the grass growth under the fencing, oils spills in the dirt, and moss hanging from the rafters, I just might call it good.



More to follow and thanks for watchin. Cheers, Ski.
Hi Ski

Goodness that’s a mighty fine it of grass growing you’ve been doing ...the reworking of the basework looks so much more realistic

As for the bulrush area ...a great piccy SBS and again looks very natural

All the work you’ve shared on the basework is a lesson to look at and be in awe of the result

Happy gardening

Looking forward to seeing more

Wow, amazing miniature gardening! The attention to detail is superb and those bullrushes and stream look fantastic. Excellent work all round, this is going to be superb when it all comes together.
Thank you, Gentlemen! Ya know, I've never considered myself an expert on ground work, and that is obvious to me, but YT vids have saved my bacon more than once, and so has Laslo Adobe's books. This huge base really is time intensive, especially in this scale, but now things should move much quicker and the lean-to is already taking some shape.

Thanks again Yall! Cheers, Ski.
Lean-to/Shop Layout

Moving right along we have the basic layout for the lean-to/shop area. I will certainly need to make more grass tufts of the light green variety and some tall chutes as well, but this portion should be much less laborious. Once this area is completed with the Harley and Ranger locations tested, I will close this area out.


As you can see from these different angle shots there is a sense of something missing, at least to me there is. I’m thinking more tools hanging from the fence wall and some of the beam portions, plus I think the top of the barrel needs some kind of additional feature. I was thinking the smaller chain, but not sure. I’m open to suggestions if ya got em.


Glenn has found some great cluttered shop pics I need to dig into, but if yall got any more suggestions, let er rip. I need this shop area looking old and slightly neglected, dusted out, and as realistic as possible. I’m also considering a cobweb or two in the rafter beam support areas. In this scale this is very possible as it would not be too difficult to make, but I will forego the geometry involved in a larger web. That would be an interesting project I’m not really into right now, HA!

Thanks for watchin and please holler if ya got any suggestions. Cheers, Ski.
Wow Steve this is great. Not sure it is more kit laying idle but more the detritus of life and time between the objects. Sweepings from the floor, blown in leaves, off cuts of wood, used and discarded rags, cigarette butt's and such like. Maybe odds and sods on the horizontal planks of the wall, a few nails or hooks on the walls to hang bits and bobs on all to make the whole place look dirtier and well used.

Well that's my thoughts and I'd best stop now as thinking too much hurts!

I agree with Simon. I think you have plenty of "stuff", it's just the accumulated dust and muck that will really pull everything together. Maybe some discarded newspaper and a cigarette packet or two will add those "human" touches. I'm just reading a detailed history of the 1945 campaign in W Europe and apparently the US forces were supplied with 55 billion cigarettes in 6 months!

I wouldn't put anything on top of the barrel apart from maybe a discarded rag or maybe a jacket if you can stretch to that. It's on a trolley so the implication is it's either about to be moved or has recently been left there. It's not likely to have anything heavy on top of it....
Awesome, thank you, Simon and Nigel! Yall got some great ideas, ones I didn't think of. Funny, most guys are thinking I'm done with this area, but it's only a test layout, lol. Yes, cigs, rags, papers, etc, will do. I'm also thinking a grape crate, (empty) to go on top of the barrel for eye candy, or something along the lines you mentioned, Nigel, small, not too distracting.

this whole area will get a lot more dirty, and stained, and weed infested in the appropriate areas.

Thanks Gents, yall hit the mark! Simon, this is becoming a habit of yours,.........................😉 Eagle eye!