Elite Miniatures


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
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Islamic Warrior S. XII
Item - BS/70.24.
70 mm. white metal.
Sculpted by Young B. Song.
Painted by Jose Fernandez.

This is a GREAT piece! I like the subject (something we have far too little of), and the sculpting is, as per usual, up to Mr. Song's fantastic standards!

I have to say though, I think blond hair for this chap is all wrong! I can't think of the last time I saw a person of islamic descent with blond facial hair. Now, before anyone goes off and screams "artistic licence" on me, let me assure you I am the FIRST to say I think you should be able to paint any figure the way you want to. Heck, it's your money and your time use it as you will. And I certainly don't mean this piece is not nicely painted. Mr. Fernandez, hats off for a nice job! I just see this figure with a dark beard and mustache for certain. Not to take away from another fantastic piece from the hands of Young, or the fine Elite line of figures. My gut just says "dark hair" here when I see this guy!

OK, I'm done blathering!!! On with the show! ;)

Jay H.
I have read that an Umaiyad Caliph of muslim Spain (I think Abderrahman III, but I´m not sure) had blond hair and blue eyes. You should had in mind that in Al-Andalus the arab aristocracy mixed from the first time with the visigothic nobility. It comes to my memory also the caucasian mamluks in egytian and turkish service, and cristian renegades in turkish armies (the more famous, Jayr Al-Din was known by his red beard, nicknamed hayreddin in english, I think)

This is not my favorite subjet, but to me is more problematic the curved sword or sabre, for this date. I think these were later intoduced in middle east by central asian (turkish) influence, and not used in the western muslim area until XVI or so when it was introduced by the ottoman turks. I´m not sure about this, someone with more grasp in the subjet could confirm or refute this.
It don´t make sense to my also that this figure was represented barefoot.
Thanks and sorry for my english.
You are almost right, César.
The first Emir in Cordoba was Abderraman I (734-788). He was born in Damascus and was described by Ibn Idhan:"He was tall, blond, one-eyed, skinny cheeks and had a mole in the face".
The dinasty in Spain had more blondes with a tendency to red hair. For example, the mother of Abderramán III was a basque slave. But they were blond before came to Al Andalus.
It is dificult sometimes for the manufacturers to avoid the stereotipes but I think that is one of the more interesting things about study a historical figure. ;)
Still I haven´t seen a correct spanish conquistador in Mexico :eek: !
ladies and getlemen,
Blond or fair hair is perfectlu all right!
...muslims are not Arabs - only some of them are Arabs and also back in the 12th century the Arabs were just one of the ethnic groups making what is called the Islamic world. Actually most of the vast 12th century muslim world was dominated by the various Turkish states/tribes who came away from the Altai Mountains and carried in their mist a fairly large number of fair-headed genetic strains (due to extensive mixing with the north Iranian nomads, Finns, Balts and Slavs -Saqualiba in Arabic).
Also, on the western side of the Islamic world - Spain and North Africa - the rulers of these territories liked to invite or import Scandinavian, Slavs, Circassians, Turks freemen and slaves to train them then as their bodyguards- ghulams and mamlukes, and the mamluke state in Egypt during the 13-16th century was created by those northern bodyguards. If you look at the 19th century paintings by various European artists painted on locations in North Africa you will still see plenty of Cricassian, Greek and Albanian warrior bodyguards etc
The most obvious source of the fair headed, blond or blue eyed warriors would be then the peoples of the Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Asia Minor, and Iranian lands (sic!). After all people of the Iranian stock are part of the southern brunch of the IndoEuropean family... Of course one also cannot discount the influnece of the Greek, Scandinavian and Northern European mercenary warriors/slaves.
Osprey author, Dr. Kaveh Farrokh -Sassanian Elite Cavalry, himself a member of the Ossetian nation(Alans or Sarmatians aka ancient north Iranians) - eg, there is still the Ossetian republic in the Caucassus Mountains - writes at lenght on the subject of the physical appereance of the north Iranian peoples throughout history and even now ...

Obviously all written above is just oversiplification of the subject :)

as to the miniature =
1 there are problems with the sabre/sword - eg the handle is way too long

2. the tunic without the sleaves with the coat-of-mail worn directly on the bare arms - in the hot Southern Europe, NorthAfrican or Asian sun - I think not ....

3. this warrior is barefooted while he wears one of the most expensive helmets out there - at least sandals please ... etc

4. the helmet is a beauty although I am not sure it this type of a helmet was available then (I think it belongs more to the 16-18 centuries), while his tunic and cloak are very fine renditions...

in sum - it is one very fine, beautifuly executed, full of character (unusual in the blond hair) miniature, and ... also just another fantasy figure from the Elite - probably inspired after the Italian Cincecita or american Hollywood productions...

and I still would like to have it ;)
WOW! I didn't mean to start a debate on whether or not the hair was "historically" correct. I only meant to say that I personaly don't like it painted as presented! It's a question of how I would paint the figure, and not whether or not it is historically possible. Who knows what genetic traits are at paly in any liniage! I simply mean that I think this guy would be better off - in my humble opinion - in a dark hair color!

As Dario said it, I would still like to have it!

Thanks for all the info though guys. That's what makes this hobby so facinating. The history and knowledge that can be shared and learned is staggering!

Jay H.