Not sure how I missed this first time round......mind you we were still in the January recovery period and some of my functios were still impaired.
You've got to be well pleased with this one a great job from top to bottom. Red is particularly well handled
I too missed this before...
Looks awesome, all the colours look very natural (not like modern, manmade dyes) spot on for the era. Great work on the shield as well.
Really think this is excellent Carl - love your colours and groundwork. The small foxglove? flowers are superb - are they something you made or picked from nature? Like the Elite figure too, good proportions and nice to see a realistic Viking/Celtic figure without his six-pack out for a change!
Cheers Mat
Very nice Carl as always. But then I'm a fan if your stuff anyway.
I agree with the others, lovely reds,the green also, and the base sets it off especially with the cross.
Cheers Karl.