Ell Viejo Dragon British Navy Captain Still Available?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Flat Rock, NC
An acquaintance who is a big Patrick O'Brian fan asked me if I could make him a figure that would represent that author's Aubrey-Maturin series. I found the EVD figure C4-F33 Captain, British Navy 1805 but it appears to be out of production. I saw the item listed on the Red Lancer site, but calls and emails to them have not been answered. I suppose I could just order it an see what happens but when queries go unanswered, I hesitate to do that.

Does anyone know if these are still available? I'd prefer a U.S. dealer if possible. And if anyone knows of other similar and still-available figures (54mm) preferably), that would help, too.
From another thread on here recently I believe Chuck at Redlancers has been suffering some health issues lately so may not be operating fully or at all at this time, there may be others that can clarify this properly for you.

It seems to be available here https://elviejodragon.com/tienda/british-navy-captain-1805/

Also you could try a post in the market and commissions section to see if anyone has this figure in their grey army and is willing to part with it.

From another thread on here recently I believe Chuck at Redlancers has been suffering some health issues lately so may not be operating fully or at all at this time, there may be others that can clarify this properly for you.

It seems to be available here https://elviejodragon.com/tienda/british-navy-captain-1805/

Also you could try a post in the market and commissions section to see if anyone has this figure in their grey army and is willing to part with it.


Thanks. I do hope Chuck's health issues are not serious.

I may have to try EVD directly though I'd prefer to avoid shipping costs. And posting in the market is a good idea but unfortunately I don't have privileges to post there at this time.