Some progress.
Usually I work in acrylics but this time, for the tunic I took out the good old oils. I missed painting in oils.
It is still wet. When dry I apply the last highlights and some tones.
The torso is almost done. Some touch ups are required. I went with X19 Tamiya Smoke on the armour.
Hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts.
Is no artistic reason, dear Colin! Just missed painting with oils. I use them all the time as a complement when I'm painting in acrylics, but recently I didn't used them as a medium. It was time for a bigger surface in oils.
Glad that you like what I did.
Steps forward! Can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Boots are painted in oils. Added tonnes to the tunic and locked the basic colours for the rest. A good painting session and is done.
Here it is and let me know your thoughts.
Cheers dear friends!
Looking awesome so far Zeno! Really liking the subdued, gritty feel of this one - makes the sash really pop as well. And welcome back to the oily dark side too
Looking great Z.
As said, the whole thing has a very dark sombre feel. All the leathers, jerkin, boots and gauntlets look very real and well worn... campaign weary.
Thanks Ray and Colin! Much appreciated!
Yes Colin, campaign weary this was the initial intent. Glad that it came out what I was trying to represent.
You are right! It is a dark sombre feel. Not a clue from where is coming but it is present.
Cheers my friends!
Very nice Zeno!!!!!!!
As Colin said its very sombre , the colour comoposition is great everything is tied together beautifully.
Looking forward to seeing it in person.