Great figure , CRAP long bow . How could anyone get the English Long Bow SO WRONG...{}.. I would suggest more research on this kit .
Before you go ahead making statements like that may be its worth spending some time and reading on this subject a bit more.
This is technically not a long bow, but a warbow (subtle difference, I know), but with a draw weight above 100lb. Therefore I DARE you to draw it with 2 fingers behind your ear. Repeatedly. Or even once. This will not happen (or at least with most people). Hense 3 fingers grip is used for heavy bows.
The stave for a self yew bow ( as there was no lamination at the time) - can be quite warped and sometimes assymetrical and may have knots as well. On this figure I agree- there is a little too much curve for my liking and shouldn't be as prominent at this draw length - but slight recurvity is not impossible, just doesnt look like "classic picture". I got one long bow with slight recurve - yew will do what it wants to do in the end- but there is some objection to them in long bow competitions.
Here is an interesting image to consider - shows slight recurve on the longbows at full draw.
And coming back to old V sign romantic story - there is no evidence that it was used before late 1800 (earliest ever documented 1901). Some would say that longbow story has been invented as late as 20th century. There is no documented evidence that french ever cut longbowmen's fingers too, just executed them.
In summary, there are a couple of minor issues with this figure that are easily fixed ( a little bodkin on the arrow rather than hunting arrowhead and place it over the bow) . The curve of a bow hopefully can be adjusted (if its resin). with hot water and more tension on the string. If its metal - then its a trifle.
What I see as a challenge - will be gluing 3 triangles of cigarette paper to arrow shafts to make realistic fletchings
Great kit. Definitly on my list.