Anastasiya it is exceptionally good looking!
My deepest congratulations!
I hope I won't start something controversy, but I would like many sculptors around to look in depth at this sculpture. I say this because sometimes I think it seems that it is definitively needed a woman to properly understand the female forms and sculpt a woman with grandiosity and elegance!
Please hold your fire for some seconds!
With this I intend to mean - there are many sculpted women out there with their forms oversized, that in the end create an hilarious eroticism: Oversized breasts, oversized nipples, oversized buttocks ... not to mention the plague of the single exposed breast and finally the cherry on top of the cake: playboy poses. How many women figures and busts could have been exceptional if they were not plagued by these unnecessary features!
The male subconscious strikes and sometimes it seems sculptors of females are trying to bring something supposed to "turn on". But the reaction is exactly the opposite. I lost count of the times I told myself "what a lost opportunity!". I hope everyone around agrees - there is no need to "turn on" nothing: elegance is sublime - over enhancing is junk.
And the brilliance of this miniature is exactly spot on: Female elegance, and a perfectly controlled highlight: The clothing and the way it involves the character! Spot on! Imagination is far better than rudeness.
Congratulations Anastasiya! This is a marvelous creation!
P.S: And that mean Bulldog is brilliant too! Consider selling it separately - it certainly is a kit on his own! Absolutely fantastic animal!