Evolution Miniatures Metro Stalker #2


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A Fixture
May 30, 2018
I was waiting to see what the winds would blow my way via Spain, and decided to start on something to keep busy. I had a couple more Evolution Stalkers in the stash, chose one and went with a simple base and a setting that I could try something atmospheric on, a Stalker overlooking a burning town. It's up to the viewer to decide the exact nature of the scene. Could be sinister, could be sad, or anything in between. The idea is to have the glow of fire in the front, and moon glow coming in from above and behind.

A quick and dirty with two pieces of cork bark and Celluclay/plaster filler, cork bits for rocks and debris then skinned with styrene sheet.






I gave everything a coat of primer, roughly 70% Black and 30% Ultramarine to get some bluish tones in early.





And a quick light source for the fire glow with a flashlight. It is somewhat exaggerated, but a good guide.




I will be adding some snow into the scene as well, I just have to decide on the order of things from here on in. This should be fun.

Got a good session in today, the initial colours and highlighting has been done. I decided to add some texture paste in the areas where I want snow to help make things easy to follow. I gave the snow areas a coat of Ultramarine, which looks more than a bit odd at the moment but will mostly disappear when the actual snow gets put down. I gave everything a dry brush with white, followed by light glazes to give me a good base for highlights and environmental light. Click on photos for full size.






The base coats were applied very thin, think contrast paints. I'm making good use of the Malefic Flesh set again, the desaturated colours are perfect for this setting. I'm just eyeballing values and tones, lots of greys, tans and purples to choose from as needed. The coat is mostly Hull Red, pants, hoodie and gloves Violet Brown. Amaranth Red and Sunny Skin Tone for the fire and Light Sea Grey for the moon glow. This is just the initial stage to set the overall values.






Now I can start defining stuff and start applying shadows. Plenty of fun left.

Hi Kimmo

"Waiting for a Spanish wind" eh ........sounds interesting

You like these stalker so this is going to be a good interesting SBS

Following with interest after your good start

Happy benchtime

Cheers Nap and Brad!

Nap, all will be revealed soon enough. I like the Stalkers because of the relative freedom you get in painting and displaying them. I picked up a bunch on auction a few years back, one more left in the stash.

Brad, it's 1/35th or 50mm.

A fair bit of progress, lots of fussy stuff getting all the little details defined and building up the shadows. I applied some snow by mixing matt medium with micro balloons. It makes a decent snow, good enough for my purposes here. You can mix the micro balloons in with PVA, varnish, heavy gel etc for a slightly different look and feel. I do have some excellent snow product but it wasn't really needed. I also took photos on a dark background to see how things are shaping up.






As you can see, the blue undercoat has basically disappeared, there is just a hint coming through here and there. Next up I'll get some contrast added to the snow with blue filters, and add some fire glow as well. The figure is coming along nicely and might be done with a couple of good sessions.

Another good evening at the bench. The snow has been given some depth with blue washes and glazes, and some fire glow added. I think a bit more deep shadow is needed in some places, the desk light overpowers a lot of the subtlety. A bit more refining and detailing was done as well. The satphone had the dials and display picked out with flourescent yellow mixed with a touch of blue and ivory. It actually glows in the dark.






I think one more session should do it.

Hi Kimmo

Catching up on things after a 4 day break with family ......your certainly moving forward with this one , figures looking good and great explanations on the idea and thoughts

Basework is effective

You certainly paint quick !

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

This looks fantastic, very clever and effective approach to the painting using the thin layers to build up the effect.
Cheers Grasshopper, Nap and Nigel!

Final session will have to wait for a bit, been having some headaches and eye issues the last couple of days so no bench time.

I think we're done, better photos still have to be taken. I spent a bit of time deepening the shadows on the pants, especially the parts just under the coat. The flame glow needed some toning down, a red filter took care of that. I also added some stronger shadows to the rocks opposite to where the glow hits. The snow got more blue and some very light splotches were added to boost contrast.






I'll get a gallery link up as soon as I get the new set of photos taken and edited.

Cheers Ski and Clubcat!

This was certainly an interesting and fun exercise. You never know what you can do until you try. I finally got some good photos taken, and a couple of things stood out from the shoot. The effect and mood of the piece is drastically changed by the viewing angle. I took a set low, mid and high. All the settings were the same, and the edits done the same way too. Click for full versions.

3.JPG 7.JPG 21.JPG

Another thing that caught my attention was how much darker I could have gone with this. I adjusted the mid levels on the darker photo by quite a bit, maybe 20% or so. Any more than that and detail was getting lost.

21.JPG 21b.JPG

I took a shot of my palette and paints, for those of you keeping track. One note on the palette, this about the 10th use of this same sheet of Redgrass Games reusable membrane. I actually think it works a bit better now that it has been washed so often. It is stained, but the stains don't contaminate fresh paint.


And the paints. I love this set.



And the long awaited gallery link

Thanks to everyone who followed along and commented.

I love that palette shot. I gotta tell ya, what really sets this figure off is the colors you've worked on the figure itself in contrast with the blue hues on the snow. Incredible eye catcher, Kimmo, awsome!