PlanetFigure Supporter
For those that have an interest (like me) in early American uniforms/equipment you can't be without this in your library. The book is "Lewis & Clark, Tailor made trail worn, Army life, clothing & weapons of the Corps of Discovery", by Robert J. Moore, Jr. and Michael Haynes. This 288 page tome is filled with several color and black and white paintings and drawings illustrating all that is contained in the title. I'm very impressed with the multiple view drawings of the various military coats/coatees and other clothing worn by members of the expedition. The color paintings and figure studies by Michael Haynes are superb, his style is similiar to Gerry Embleton's with the exception that all the faces do not look the same. Below is where I ordered my copy, it was only $29.95 (US), what a buy. An absolutely fantastic book! ~Gary