Call me cynical but some of the supposedly "painted" eyes I have seen on here (and elsewhere) have been almost too good that there are times - especially on smaller scales - when I can't help thinking that they are not painted at all, but these decals. Either that or some photoshop jiggery-pokery.
Do-able by talented brushsmiths on busts or larger scale figures, sure. But perfect eyes (complete with catchlight) in 75mm or 54mm? Even with an optivisor no-one can see - let alone paint - detail that small.
Im sure the purists will shout unclean, heresy , etc etc, but they are a tool to be used like pigments,, weathering, snow / water effects and a shed load of other aids to the modeler. BUT if you do use them don't be ashamed to admit it. We all can't be good at everything .
Kevin,.. like everything else! it's a case of practice. Yes! they can be fiddly and at times annoying. (Especially lower scale stuff). However, they are just another useful addition to the armoury of modelling.
Very useful thread. I bought a couple of sheets some time ago - including ones for animals (see pic) - but never used them much. This makes me want to reinvestigate. May get some MicroSol too