F.D.N.Y. Firefighter - Special Ops Models


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Special Ops Models
F.D.N.Y. Firefighter
1/9th scale (200mm) resin
sculpted by Alan Ball
box art by Bob Waltman

Fman 2.jpg

When I attended the recent Atlanta show last month I picked up Andy Meyer's (Special Ops Models) Firefighter figure. Andy recieved Best Of Show with his rendition of "Fallen Brothers". Quite an impressive display that inspired me to buy this figure to paint for my own collection.

The figure comes in a large (really large) heavy cardboad box with the box art by Bob Waltman on the front.

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Opening the box I set out all the sub assemblies ( bags) and this is what I found. A very complex kit with many stages of assembly and painting required.

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The first section will cover the main body parts with optional arms and hands to give each modeller an opportunity to personalize his own version (as I will).

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Below we see the main torso with the mold block attached at the top and easily removed. There are no seam lines I could see on the body parts.

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Each leg is cast seperetly and again.....no mold lines to remove.

leg 01.jpg leg 02.jpg

There are a total of 4 different arms supplied with the kit to provide many options with the Firefighter.

arm 01.jpg

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Additional arms

arm 03.jpg arm 06.jpg

Here we see the fine detail Alan Ball has sculpted into the head.

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Here are the hands

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Below is the seperate main parts of the helmet.

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Next we will find photos of the various accessories that come with the kit.

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The Oxygen tank is almost a kit in itself. Highly detailed and comes with decals to complete its authenticity.

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The base is sculpted with debris and steel beams that can be added to the base to achieve a different effect.

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A seperate bag of miscellanous wire, lead foil is included.

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The kit comes with an instruction sheet and another sheet showing diagrams of location and fitment of accessories.

Intro sheet 2.jpg

Intro sheet.jpg

Below are the photos of Bob Waltman's Box art.

Fman 1.jpg Fman 2.jpg

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Reference Books:

Faces of Ground Zero, by Joe McNally

Above Hallowed Ground, by photographers of The NYPD

Aftermath, by Joel Meyerowitz


An excellent kit with superb casting and fitment through-out. Highly reccomended for the experienced modeller / painter.

wow, great looking kit. Thanks for the review, very well done.
I have thought about this kit before, but the price is pretty high as I recall. Not saying it isn't worth it but with the stockpile of kits I have not and my glacial rate of build I would never get to it.