Fav Historical Period


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What's your favourite historical period?

  • 2. Dark Ages

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. Medieval

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Renaissance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. 17th Century

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5. 18th Century

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6. 19th Century

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7. 20th Century

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
Penzance, Cornwall, UK
I thought this would be interesting both for us on the forum to see where our interests lie and also for any of the manufacturers who are here in an attempt to gauge what to produce. I have noticed, especially in the armour modelling world, that the manufacturer tend to stick to one theme. This might give them a pause for thought. Who knows.

Ross :)
Good idea. My favorite would be the Second World War, most likely because I am also an armor modeller. But the Civil War is a close second, and lately I have found the Roman Empire to be pretty cool.
Neat idea! My favorite period of history is the America Civil War or War Between the States, second is the Napoleonic Wars, and third is American History 1700-1900. and last of all anything on the French Foreign Legion.

Happy Trails, Terry Martin
Well, I'm ancient so I guess that's why I favour that period :lol: ! I suppose it's because when I started out figure modelling way back when - it was mainly Napoleonics, Ancients or WW2. I was never a 1er Empire fan, and WW2 was a bit drab for me, so I kinda drifted towards ancients. That's not to say I won't have a go at most things - like Ernest, if the casting is good and the subject interesting, I'll do it.

Good poll Ross!

I don't have a history book handy, but the "dark ages" is the time preceeding the medieval period. This might be roughly between 500- 1000 AD depending on your point of view.

I'm a big fan of the medieval period, especially towards the end of that era nearing the Reniasssance. To me, "armor" must have four feet - being on a horse. I like the pagentry of the period and the opportunity to paint heraldry and intricate brocades. Also, many fantasy figures borrow heavily from the medieval period.

That said, I enjoy other periods, for example: Reniassance, Zulu Wars, American West, WWI, and "between the wars"(WWI and WWII). I even have done a Napoleonic or two! To me, painting a figure is a way of time travel - I can experience the era, if only in my mind. So, I'm open to new experiences and interests.
The 18th century is first for me going into the 19th century up to the end of the Civil War, and a few subjects beyond that. Given the periods of most figures nowadays I'm a bit surprised that knights, ancients etc are not getting more votes.~Gary
I agree with Phil

Medieval, Napoleonic, ACW just about any period realy. As long as the quality is there... :)

For me it is the late dark ages to early middle ages (800AD to the 1st Crusade). Though my interest does span most times before the widespread use of firearms.
Medieval Period for me. 12-14th centuries. I have a degree in art history and that really got me interested in that period. Alot going on then. I love the research. Figure wise, I like it for alot of the same reasons that Pat above does. Very colorful period.

I also belong to a couple of different historical as well as hysterical groups that re-enact/re-create and rec-reate history and I get to play in armor and live out my historical interests. You aint heard music till someone has bounced 3 feet of steel off your bascinet.... ;)

Also have an interest in 18thc. american military history.
Favorite, Favorite, I'm a Ancient, Medieval,Napoleonic, Colonial, WWI, guy¡¡¡¡¡¡, my first figure was a Highlander of the Napoleonic era and my last was a Hospitaller but I also enjoy the WWI and WWII, so I'm a "Anievalnapolecol" :lol:

Watching the bars move up is like one of those fair ground gambling games with mechanical race horses - who would bet against the 17th century or renaissance making a lightning dash for the line!!!!

Great idea for a poll though!

As to my favourite period? 18th or 19th century Native Americans, Napoleonics and any unusual Irish units or individuals from the last 500 years. (My latest find is detailson the Diamond Fields Horse, South Africa 19th cent.)
Great Replies guys. Keep em coming!!

Bob - Taking the english dates as reference the Dark Ages go from the fall of the Roman Empire in Britain to 1066, the Norman Invasion of England, which can be considered the start of the Medieval period.

I like 18th century American Civil War because I grew up around ACW battlefields and now love researching the history. Next would be Napoleonics for the granduer of their uniforms. American Revolution is climbing up to a close third. After that, any period is fun.
Hello fellows,

A very usefull idea this poll. For me it is only a pity that on this moment the ancient world is not leading, so when the manufacturers would take the poll as a lead for their production of figures, I could fall out of subjects to paint. On the other hand, I am such a slow worker that to paint every beautiful Roman or Greek figure on the market today, I would probably have to live through this and the next century too! Nevertheless, I hope that a lot more fans of the founders of our western culture turn up to vote.

By the way, I am a newly registered member on this site (since april 1), but I must say that it has offered me already a lot of pleasure! As a bonus, it is a good way of practicing my English writing since I am Dutch speaking considering the country I am living in.

Happy modelling and painting to you all.

Johan ;)