Hi everyone
Finally been able to get a bit of time to share some thoughts on releases I have been sent , this one comes from a well established company from Korea namely LIFE MINIATURES .
The release was announced by the owner Sang-Eon Lee here:
It is of course :
As with other releases in the series there is also a excellent PDF to download on the painting ...a great reference .
Women served in all armies and continue to do so , during WW2 in particular Russia had many serving as fighter pilots , snipers , transport pilots but in the Armoured sector there was only one female who became a legend , this is the inspiration for this release her name Alexsandra Samusenko...but who was she :
Aleksandra Grigoryevna Samusenko, born 1922 in Chita, began her tour of duty as a private in an infantry platoon.
Later she successfully finished the tank academy.
Samusenko received her Order of the Red Star when her tank crew defeated three German Tiger tanks.
Later Samusenko participated in the Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive.
Samusenko died from wounds in the German village of Zulzfitz (70 km from Berlin) during the East Pomeranian Offensive.
According to World War II veteran Pyotr Demidov, she was crushed under the tracks of a tank, which did not notice the accompanying people in the darkness. She 22-23, and was buried in Lobez, Poland,
Books are available here are a few I have , all are good reference .

Continued in next post
Finally been able to get a bit of time to share some thoughts on releases I have been sent , this one comes from a well established company from Korea namely LIFE MINIATURES .
The release was announced by the owner Sang-Eon Lee here:
It is of course :

As with other releases in the series there is also a excellent PDF to download on the painting ...a great reference .
Women served in all armies and continue to do so , during WW2 in particular Russia had many serving as fighter pilots , snipers , transport pilots but in the Armoured sector there was only one female who became a legend , this is the inspiration for this release her name Alexsandra Samusenko...but who was she :
Aleksandra Grigoryevna Samusenko, born 1922 in Chita, began her tour of duty as a private in an infantry platoon.
Later she successfully finished the tank academy.
Samusenko received her Order of the Red Star when her tank crew defeated three German Tiger tanks.

Later Samusenko participated in the Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive.
Samusenko died from wounds in the German village of Zulzfitz (70 km from Berlin) during the East Pomeranian Offensive.
According to World War II veteran Pyotr Demidov, she was crushed under the tracks of a tank, which did not notice the accompanying people in the darkness. She 22-23, and was buried in Lobez, Poland,

Books are available here are a few I have , all are good reference .

Continued in next post