Review Female Tanker from Life Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Finally been able to get a bit of time to share some thoughts on releases I have been sent , this one comes from a well established company from Korea namely LIFE MINIATURES .

The release was announced by the owner Sang-Eon Lee here:

It is of course :


As with other releases in the series there is also a excellent PDF to download on the painting ...a great reference .

Women served in all armies and continue to do so , during WW2 in particular Russia had many serving as fighter pilots , snipers , transport pilots but in the Armoured sector there was only one female who became a legend , this is the inspiration for this release her name Alexsandra Samusenko...but who was she :

Aleksandra Grigoryevna Samusenko, born 1922 in Chita, began her tour of duty as a private in an infantry platoon.

Later she successfully finished the tank academy.

Samusenko received her Order of the Red Star when her tank crew defeated three German Tiger tanks.
zaaaaaaa.jpgzaaaaaa.jpgorder of Patriotic 1st class.jpgzzaaa.jpg

Later Samusenko participated in the Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive.

Samusenko died from wounds in the German village of Zulzfitz (70 km from Berlin) during the East Pomeranian Offensive.

According to World War II veteran Pyotr Demidov, she was crushed under the tracks of a tank, which did not notice the accompanying people in the darkness. She 22-23, and was buried in Lobez, Poland,


Books are available here are a few I have , all are good reference .


Continued in next post

Lets look at the release now


Title: WW2 Soviet Female Tanker

Reference: LM-BS003

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 7

Sculptor: Sang-Eon Lee

Box Art: Sang-Eon Lee

As with the previous 2 releases this has been marketed as a "BEGINNER'S" series , but as you would have seen in my other reviews the quality is very good indeed and more than a suitable for the more experienced modeller .

General Comments

The bust itself is a nice simple style cut at an angle towards the front continuing on to form a base

Packaging is a good strong box with colour pictures of a very high standard , the parts were in between two thick foam layers (smaller parts are held in a resealable bag)

LM RUSSIAN 001.jpgLM RUSSIAN 002.jpg

Parts consist of Main torso , head , hairpiece ( pony tail) , sides of helmet , a securing strap and a headset cable connection

LM RUSSIAN 000.jpg


With parts being of such quality this was assured to being minimal , the resin is super smooth and a pleasure to hold , just seems to will the modeller to put it on the bench .


Head....Nothing apart from fitting to torso

Hair Piece... Remove casting block and fit

Helmet sides ....Remove casting blocks ..easy as they are small, dry fit and I would suggest fitting once face is painted

Strap/Cable...Remove small casting blocks and fit

Looking a the pieces


Angled towards the front with the uniform being the distinctive high collared top with the double button at the neck , folds and creases are very naturally worked and not over stated which works really well.

LM RUSSIAN 003.jpgLM RUSSIAN 004.jpgLM RUSSIAN 007.jpgLM RUSSIAN 008.jpgLM RUSSIAN 010.jpgLM RUSSIAN 011.jpgLM RUSSIAN 009.jpg

Buttons are well shaped and edged , I like the way they have been done at the collar , pulling the material open slightly.

The uniform also shows well detailed and very much like the original item seams .

The awards she won for her bravery are worn proudly on the upper right and these are really well detailed , I like medals as you will know but these will seem to paint themselves , the definition is sharp.

LM RUSSIAN 012.jpg
On the shoulders we have the distinctive large epaulettes with the buttons here being sculpted with the star of Russia , her rank star is worn central with the metal tank motif above it , again both are well depicted , here are good undercuts on the epaulettes .

LM RUSSIAN 013.jpg
The neck area is perfectly cleanly worked and cast ready to take the neck with ease


This is the area we all look at when viewing busts and Sang-Eon has done a fine job here , the attention to the female form is really good with high cheekbones , the mouth and nasal features are the same well formed areas, over the forehead we have the hair coming out of the helmet adding another area of interest

LM RUSSIAN 014.jpg
The eyes are spot on both in shape and surface being smooth ..all making painting a lot easier.

Fit to the torso is cleanly achieved , no filler needed.

She wears the heavily padded helmet , wonderfully sculpted , on the top of her forehead we have the large goggles , again well sculpted ...nice challenge to paint the lens ( use the free PDF )

At the sides we have the 2 location points for the side pieces of the helmet ...easy fitting is the keyword .

LM RUSSIAN 015.jpgLM RUSSIAN 017.jpgLM RUSSIAN 018.jpgLM RUSSIAN 019.jpgLM RUSSIAN 020.jpgLM RUSSIAN 016.jpg

Hair Piece

Worn in a full pony tail with a bad pulling the hair together at the top , fitting accurately to the model using the location holes and posts

LM RUSSIAN 024.jpg

Remaining pieces

The helmet sides fit well to the face sides , and both sides display the ear phones , the material of the helmet is well surfaced .

LM RUSSIAN 022.jpgLM RUSSIAN 023.jpg

The small strap fits well on the left piece with the longer "cord" also fitting on the same side.

Final Thoughts

Without doubt Life Miniatures think of all modellers no matter where skill levels are , the ability to get the free PDF is a bonus for sure and we can all learn from it .

Quality is 1st Class in all area's as we would expect and I do hope we see more in this series , a big WELL DONE to all at LM .

A charming piece to look at and one which paints up well...RECOMMENDED with pleasure

Thanks to Sang -Eon Lee for the review piece

And of course to you all for looking in

For information on this and others from LM go to the website at:

Or of course why not follow on FB


Happy bench time

Many thanks, I have been doing a few 1/35 figures and really enjoying them. Not good enough to post yet though :)

Glad you are enjoying the 1/35th .........everything is good enough to post Graham ! .....great way to get constructive comments and build confidence up

Happy benchtime mate
