30. Day, December 28, 2016
Well - the Christmas break is over and I'm can use the study and craft table again!
Today I had the shoulderpieces of my hero made - but first some theory ...:
There were the usual rankings in the imperial-Russian army, but the Cossacks had their own rank names.
I have made a Little comparison to you...:
English rank Russian Army Cossacks
Cadet Yunker ---
Private Ryadovoy Cossack
Private 1st Class Yefreitor Prikaznij
Junior NCO Mladschij Unteroffitser Mladschij Uriadnik
Senior NCO Starschij Unteroffitser Starschij Uriadnik
Sergeant Major Feldwebel Vakhtmistr
Junior Ensign Podpraportschik Podhorunzhy
Ensign Praportschik Praportschik
Sub Lieutenant Podporushnik Horunzhij
Lieutenant Poruzhnik Sotnik
Captain Rotmistr (Kapitan) Starshij Essaul
Staff Captain Shtabs-Rotmistr (Kapitan) Starschij Essaul
Lieutenant Colonel Podpolkownik Voiskovoy Starshina
Colonel Polkownik Polkownik
Major General General-Mayor General-Mayor
Lieutenant General General-Leitenant General Leitenant
(Full) General General Woiskowoj Ataman
Importantly, Cossack officers always wore silver shoulders, never gold ones!
Until about 1915/1916 "hard" shoulder pieces were worn throughout the Russian army ...
... thereafter, softer versions were introduced, which were considerably more practical - for example, when strapping harnesses ...:
Let us now come to the bust:
Our friend has the rank of Sub-lieutenant (Sub Lieutenant / Horunzhij) - I have mounted in the painting two shoulder pieces - once as a sketch and once as a photo of an original piece ...:
The "weapon color" of the unit, to our hero counts, is light blue, as already seen at the Mützendeckel!
Okay - lets paint!
First of all it was primed - and look how great Markus hassculpted the little things! Sometimes the man is really scary to me ...
I have given myself the same effort with painting.
I first used these oil paints ...
... the light blue "lieutenant strip" painted in the middle of the shoulder pieces, because one comes later badly there ...:
Next step was to paint the "silver" parts of the shoulder pieces - first with these colors ...:
Then I have used the capillary effect, and very thin black ...
... carefully into the recesses run ...:
Next step:
The shoulder pieces are with silver ...
...carefully brushed. The effect which arises in this way is a glimmering, no shining, just as material from silver threads looks just like this:
Next, the two stars that the lieutenant carries. In the painting they are shown silver - on all other templates, which I have they are golden ...:
So I painted them with this color...
...gold. The fastening buttons for the shoulder pieces are in contrast to the - shimmering - fabric made of metal and therefore may shine really metallic - for this I took "Silver Ink" ...:
At the end - and again with light blue oils - the piping of the shoulder pieces...:
What can I say?
The effort was really worth it ...!
BTW - the place where I have painted over the sleeve at the upper arm over is already "repaired" ...
So much for today.