figura de 120..........


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roman navarro moreno

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2004
Albacete, Spain
aqui vemos la figura que estoy pintando un 120 , reconocco qu ees un tamaño grande y quizas de un poco de miedo ,pero en esta escala se pueden encontrar maravillas de figuras menos que nbe el resto de escalas , eso es cierto aqui en concreto esta figura es una maravilla ya descatalogada de la marca kirin, reconocco que tenia muchas ganas de pintarla y aqui hos pongo lo que llevo de ella ma sadelante pondre mas fotos asi como al gun comentario de la figura ............


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I have always liked this figure and its pose. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next step.
I suppose that's a 120mm figure of captain Souter at Gandamak ... well painted so far, Acrylics ?? (y)

Does anybody know where you can buy this one? It's one of those that I always wanted to add to the grey army, but never found him... :(
Hi Johan

Which one, there are two teh Roll Call ne and this one, this one can be seen on Ebay alot of the time. I have a roll call one.

On E-bay ?? Isn't it available anymore then ? Damn. It always appealed to me as a very nice figure, looks like something sculpted by Mike Good (I believe?). I think I saw one at euromilitaire once, painted by RG Latorre.
Very nice indeed; and gulfon, one of the interesting aspects re planetfig is that it is international. Not all members can speak English or use Emglish as their first language. Try translating it through google .... works fine for me. :angry:
This figure of Capatain Souter from Ganadamak is indeed a Kirin figure in 1/16 scale. However, I cannot take credit for sculpting it. It was sculpted by Mike Daley.

It really is a great sculpt. Good luck finding one though!

La figura te esta quedando buenisima Roman, pero si nos puedes dar tu mescla de colores para la cara te lo agradeceria, tienes muchas razon al escoger esta figura esta bellisima y su cara es una obra de arte.
Cual es tu tecnica para la cara?

Traduction for all the Planet Figure English Speaking Friends

I ask Roman for the flesh mix and toll him that this is a really beatiful figure, this face is a work of art.Please let us know what's your technic for painting the FACE?
the mixture for the face is the same one that I use in almost all single which changing a little the mixtures of the shades; color bases earth meat average a little kills and a slight brown red red light, touch beife and in the end with a little meat golden, the shades I begin with the color bases to which I add a little to him earth kills and I am adding red brown, to accentuate a little but the shaded one I add to a traparencia of citadel of a called color flesh wash is a color is transparent ideal to shade occurs in several layers of form is transparent in the end to this mixture I add a little red violet in the zones but low and profunditas of the face asi profit a slight but good degradation of the color, you prove this color in scaras and already you will tell me.................

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