Figure for beginner


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Active Member
Feb 17, 2006
Hi. I'm new in the world of 54mm minis, and i'd like to ask you what are the good minis for someone who never painted any mini in this scale ? I have Andrea's Elf fantasy miniature, but it seems hard as hell :eek: Ah, id like it to be from Latorre, Andrea or Pegaso.. its hard to buy there minis from other manufacturers.. and it will be also great if it be barbarian/celt/viking mini.. i look at Latorre Saxon and it looks fairly easy.. what do you think about it?
Hi there!

Seems we have the same taste!LaTorre is my favorite and the subjects you've mentioned are some of the coolest!Well,LaTorre's Viking is the best choise:small areas with flesh,simple tunic and trousers(sinlge-colored...),large enough metal areas,a GREAT figure!What may be a little difficult is the wood parts of the shield,but you'll make it!LaTorre's figures may help you get used with 54mm scale,because of the great and clean sculpting!You may paint LaTorre's Celt later,it's far more difficult than the Viking!

Simon,have you painted minis in other scales?Seems like you've painted smaller scales(28mm) fantazy figures.Is that so?I've turned to Historical Minis 5 years ago,while I've been painting fantazy since 1994.If you are a fantazy painter,we've got a lot to talk about!Just send me an email and I'd be very happy to tell you what you should be careful about when painting Historical Minis :)

Hi Simon, you don't mention what experience you have in other scales but it's not quite so difficult to paint 1/32 scale if you're already familiar working a little larger, there's just a lot more 'detail' painting by a larger standard.

If you don't have much experience painting I would suggest picking something well sculpted but fairly simple; the Latorre 'Saxon' is actually quite complex when you break down the painting tasks so I would suggest something a lot simpler, with fewer elements and colours, and some colours are easier to paint than others so you might like to avoid much white or yellow.

Pegaso, Andrea, Art Girona, Elite and others all have something that might be suitable, even Warriors, Alpine and Hornet might be worth considering if you want to go a little smaller.

If you have already painted much then just pick a subject you really like, as a rule it seems people do better work on something they genuinely admire.

I forgot to mention that i know basic techniques like shading highlithing etc. I paint fantasy miniatures from GW. As for the Viking maybe i except too much- i want to make realistic shading on stone and mini.. but i never tried this.. but at all i can always strip it down ;) (i think im too familiar with this :lol: )
Hola Simon,

Why dont you try the new French Revolutionary figure, I think its called Sans Coulotte (sp?) or something to that effect. It is the guy standing with the pitch fork, check out Major Goose's v-Bench, hes got one going on there.

It is sculpted by one of the best, Maurizio Bruno, and cast by Pegaso (superb castings), and it is a fairly straight forward kit in which you can paint just about any way you want to.
I will agree with Anders. The latest release from Pegaso at 54mm French Revolution-Sans Coullote, it can be considered an easy figure since you can paint it as you're pleased.

Sans Culotte is one of the most friendly to the painter figures ihaveseen and tried. Nice scuklpture , clean lines few pieces, no preparation needed a,nd Pegaso casting . get it withno fear !!!!!!
It looks really great, especially in Major Goose paitning, but if i have to choose i will choose Saxon warrior- its just more interesting subject for me, even if its not realistic as history miniature.. but i will think about both of them:)