In this installment, I will cover the alla prima procedure for wet-on-wet painting using acrylic paints.
Prepare the paint surface with by applying the water and retarder solution with a water brush. This enhances paint control, contour diffusion and more importantly prevents overlaying colors from staining by saturating the porous matte base.
Reckoning that chroma and color warmth will be lost when mixed with the shadow color, a stronger tone of yellow mixed from Light Yellow, Naples Yellow, Raw Sienna and a touch of Cadmium Orange was applied.
Build up opacity through increments of thin paint and spread it out evenly in light and gentle strokes to reduce the appearance of brush strokes.
The result from the first session of painting. The alla prima technique - though lacking in finesse as shown by the loose handling of paint - it nonetheless allows a rapid realization of value contrast and color tones.