This certainly is a no win situation. I think everyone is due their share of the pot of gold. Pegaso, Andrea et al are in it for a living. They may love what they are doing, or have a passion for it but they still need to turn the lights on, hire people to work for them and pay for the things we want to see in their figures (detail, subject matter, quality) all of this costs.
How many times has this been juxtaposed by the discussion regarding what a figure sculpture's time is worth, what price should be asked for a particular sculpt and what people should charge for their work when selling commissions?
The escalating prices for figures are going to create a voracious appetite for pirated goods. One begets the other in a continuous loop that has no end. Higher prices equals counterfeits equals higher prices to offset the loss by counterfeits.
I think you are going to see higher prices, until someone figures out a new production technique that can cut costs, newer, cheaper materials, or the industry starts looking at ways to cut costs without cutting profits.
My advice, lose some of the slick packaging and cut costs there. I don't need a 4 color, slick varnished box around a paper covered, embossed, cardboard box with a 4 color insert on how to paint figures with my figures. Nor do I need a callout sheet on what colors to paint (I usually throw it out anyway because I don't read spanish/chinese/korean/french/or italian). If I am at a level that I need that reference, Dragon and Tamiya and Italeri make great plastic figures with colorful box art that I can do. I like to think that if someone spends $50-$100 on a figure that they have better reference material available.
Ultimately, this is a hobby of expendable income. As my expendable income fluctuates so will my figure buying ability. If the prices go up, all the power to those that wish to make more money where ever they are in the production to retail process. They are subject to those influences, so as they ask for more so shall they reap less. Make it now because it won't be there later. To the guys that are starting out I wish you the best. My advice, do some research and make something that consumers don't mind spending money on.