Hey, Gary! Just a suggestion, but maybe you don't want to go too much further without describing some sculpting tools. Someone who's as skilled and experienced as you, probably has lots of 'em. Particularly interested in tools with specialized uses, your 'tricks of the trade' stuff.
I can't really use the typical super-glue prepared toothpicks on 120mm sculpting. Maybe they would work on 54mm, 75mm, I don't know. I bought a set of steel sculpting and pottery tools similar to dental tools from the local Dick Blick art store and that's what I'm using. That and the ubiquitous and over-priced X-Acto knives. A single small pane of plate glass with bevelled edges works great for rolling out flat pieces of putty. A little talcum powder on the glass and nothing sticks. Also, I'm using the ends of old paint brushes, some large sewing needles, and about two dozen other odds and ends. For example, the steel end of a 0.5mm mechanical pencil works great for making 120mm scale button impressions. My small contribution...
all the best,