Figure Stumper?


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Originally posted by GuyHerrick@Nov 21 2003, 06:17 PM
Hello Frank,
I have the same kit in the closet and at the time I bought it.......
Thanks a bunch Guy, I was hoping Frank was ready to part with that kit at a grey army reduced price,just been biding my time, oh well, just have to check out other club members old kits.
Bob the miser!!!!!!
Originally posted by MSzwarc@Nov 21 2003, 11:56 PM
I will be retiring soon ...


Congratulations (y)! I would give my left--er my eyeteeth to be able to retire soon . I have known many people in my area who have "retired" only to go back to work because while they planned financially for retirement, they didn't think about how they would occupy their time. Sadly, I've also known a couple who deteriorated mentally for the same reason :(.

The joy of a hobby such as this is that it provides a rich mental and physical challenge to us, and keeps us interested and engaged. There is so much to learn: painting skills, sculpting skills, materials and processes, history, the details of daily life in our chosen eras. Each thing that we learn draws us to something else, so that the process of the hobby becomes dynamic, with a life of its own. When I'm not in the mood to paint, I can plan vignettes or dioramas, or do research, or read history, or learn to sculpt, or practice groundwork techniques, or study and admire what others are doing-- or pull out that kit that I put way awhile ago, and become interested in it all over again!

Mike Szwarc

Hello Mike

Congratulations ! I would give my left--er my eyeteeth to be able to retire soon

It was not a planned retirement as much as a neccessity due to Legs getting worse. Many of you who saw me at the Tulsa show may have noticed I was using a cane......and now while I can still avoid the going through the process of retiring gracefully. There will be many things to keep the ole mind going, both here and in the "closet" so I am not worried about not having anything to do. I actually look forward to it, as I knew it was coming some day. Its here (y)
Guy, Congratulations on your retirement (when it happens). It's great that you'll have an outlet for all the "free" time you'll have. What a better time to paint up that "gray army". I sure do hope you're feeling well.~Gary

I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with your legs. You've got the right attitude, though, in looking forward to retirement. I seem to remember a post of yours, perhaps from the old FI forum, where you mentioned that your kit purchases were your retirement. There are times when buying a new kit or reference book is the only way I am able to pursue the hobby, so I, too, often look at such purchases as part of my investment in my retirement-- the kind of investment to keep myself mentally active and my sense of wonder and curiosity alive. And of course, when I have the time (alas, getting rarer :(), motivation, and inspiration to more actively pursue the hobby, the rewards are manifold, and I find myself wishing that I could do this full time.

I wish you all the best in your new circumstances, and I look forward to learning more from you in these forums in the coming years. (y) (y)

Mike Szwarc
I must admit, reading the other posts in this I was feeling a bit smug . saying to myself "I have finished every kit I've ever bought !", but now whilst moving house I came across this, I dread to think how much wasted time and money ther is in this figure graveyard tucked away underneath my bench. Oh well ......

In the world of flying model aircraft, there is a term for the results when a model reaches the ground in an unintended fashion. The model is considered to have been "rekitted" :lol:. Looks to me as though you have simply rekitted a few items. Time to get to work!

Mike Szwarc
Actually there are quite a few salvageable items in there, Mike Blanks Rindi will be ok, and I shall just reterm it "spares box" ;) , but I have come across the remains of Peter Almond's Polish Winged Hussar, which unfortunately we'll never see again.

Mind I did see the Almond 95th Officer as a new release in the last figure international, not bad for someone who passed away over ten years ago.
I still look fondly at my old Hinchcliffe/ Ray Lamb Samurai Taisho that I have begun a hundred times


That's a beautiful figure, alright. I recently saw one on eBay. Didn't bid on it 'cause I knew I couldn't afford it. It opened at $39.99, and sold for over $120. Good luck with yours.

Mike Szwarc

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