Daniel Ipperti
Active Member
I planeteer !
This is the "gift" for the winner of the Best of show on Figuri'nice 2007 (april the 28/29 2007 Nice french riviera) You may say "ho no, another bloody bust" from Poste militaire !!
you're rigth guys, and i made 3 of it (2000. 2005. 2007) ! but it's a collector now ! So, if you have ten minutes to loose, take a plane (a boeing stream liner if you want, or maybe an airbus) an join us on the "promenade des anglais" the show'is very close to the airport , and the food mmmmmmmh
anyway, We' ll be very happy to see you!
(well sorry for my very bad english)
best regards
other pictures on my web site (clic on "the news"):http://perso.orange.fr/maquette-et-figurine/index.htm
And the show web site:http://www.chevaliers-baie-des-anges.com/
This is the "gift" for the winner of the Best of show on Figuri'nice 2007 (april the 28/29 2007 Nice french riviera) You may say "ho no, another bloody bust" from Poste militaire !!

(well sorry for my very bad english)
best regards
other pictures on my web site (clic on "the news"):http://perso.orange.fr/maquette-et-figurine/index.htm
And the show web site:http://www.chevaliers-baie-des-anges.com/