FIN: Night Shift


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Jan 10, 2012

Ladies and gentlemen,

it's David again with another look back to a little 1/72 vignette I finished a long time ago but haven't shown on the blog. The reason I'm showing it now is that my jungle brother Roman took a few nice new pics during the Massive Voodoo family's recent stay at the studio (read all about that wonderful weekend in this blogpost).

The vignette is based on a 1990s US mechanized infantry soldier from Zvezda. Since I wanted to build a night scene, I scratch-built the night-vision goggles from polystyrene sheet and rods.

The whole project was built and painted for a project exchange with my friend Peter Müller (Yoshi), who loves Zombie and Post-Apocalypse themes. So, I built this little tongue-in-cheek scene which is seen through a night-vision gadget, showing a soldier on his night shift guarding an internment camp where zombies are held in containment. I envision the guy just shouting orders to stay back to a bunch of pro-Zombie protesters approaching the fence shouting slogans like: "Tell 'ole Pharaoh: Let the Zombies go!", and "Zombies are people too!"

Thanks for your interest, talk to you soon. Best,


p.s.: the project (with the old pics) is also on Putty & Paint if you feel like voting :)

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