First invasion, War of 1812


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Oct 1, 2003
Did anyone see this program last night? It was very well given the budgets given to such documentaries. It was neat to see appearences by Grand Master painter/sculptor come Historical Consultant for motion pictures Peter Twist.~Gary
I saw it last night and enjoyed it. THe trailers made it sound like it was going to have a different format though. I expected sort of a news reporting presentation instead of the normal narrator format.

It did give an interesting perspective on this often dismissed period of American history and wouldn't mind seeing it again. Got some figure ideas too....
Saw it and throuoghly enjoyed it. Given the spate of sheer crap on the History Channel, I was thrilled. Pete C. I think the different format wasa more PBS style rather then the glossy general audeince style or the new and improved style of "using video game technology."
I loved the Kentucky Mounted Riflemen in the black with red trim hunting shirts and tall hats. Could make a nice 75mm piece.

I think the History Channel has a program on this week on the capture of Tripoli and raising of the 1st American flag over foreign territory.
I watched part of it.

The promo stuff and show intro really turned me off though. I had set it to tape, but didn't bother after seeing the introduction. It seemed very jingoistic, but the uniforms were nice. What I watched was OK, and not as bad as the introduction foretold! It appeared to be produced for those who know nothing about the war, so it didn't hold my interest.

Why are so many of these shows produced as if the viewing audience hasn't ever read a book on history? I imagine most of their viewing audience know something about history, so more in depth shows would increase viewership.

Originally posted by amherbert@Sep 13 2004, 03:19 PM
Why are so many of these shows produced as if the viewing audience hasn't ever read a book on history? I imagine most of their viewing audience know something about history, so more in depth shows would increase viewership.
Problem is that most people hated History in School and would be hard pressed to tell you even basic facts like when the war of US Indendpance happened or what time frame the Civil War happened.

You have to rememeber most TV shows are done for enterament value not for learning Value. If you want to learn something indepth your better off opening a book and reading it. A dry TV show with lots of facts will turn off 90% of your viewers.
It should be kept in mind that these programs are made for the general viewing audience, which comes as more of a treat to those interested in the period, uniforms, what have you. The length of the program is also something to be considered. Though this was a 2 hour "special" most of the History Channel's programs are only an hour long, which when you exclude the commercials comes out to about 40-45 minutes of actual program time.

I liked the look of the reenactors for the most part with the uniforms and period clothing looking very good. A pat on the back also has to be given for some of the CGI done for the program. The History Channel website has a few short behind the scenes videos that show a small number of reenactors turned into several hundred, while the period look of Fort McHenry and the White House were fairly well done.

Seeing the variety of uniforms from the period I'm resisting the urge to start a War of 1812 one-off figure, who knows.~Gary
Pete, Though my "ramrod" vignette is at a standstill, the highlanders are coming along with mostly little bits remaining. The show did inspire me and I have a lot of 1812 references that I've never used to make a figure. One can never tell. :) .~Gary
Originally posted by Scott@Sep 16 2004, 09:48 AM
Problem is that most people hated History in School and would be hard pressed to tell you even basic facts like when the war of US Indendpance happened or what time frame the Civil War happened.

You have to rememeber most TV shows are done for enterament value not for learning Value. If you want to learn something indepth your better off opening a book and reading it. A dry TV show with lots of facts will turn off 90% of your viewers.
Of course.

My point is that I bet few of the 'general public' watch the history channel. My guess is the majority of their viewership has some interest in history already. This population has probably read a book, and to watch the channel one most likely has some knowledge. And facts don't have to be dry!

But it's a given we'll get more out of a book.

The Canadian equivalent of the History Channel has some great shows that entertain and educate and are funny (History Bites for instance). It's too bad they can't do a better job here.

The reenactors' uniforms were nice though.
