Review Foot Guards Officer plus canine friend from Castle Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone,

We all know a dog is mans best friend but sometimes they say they are often very much alike ....this is the idea in the series from Castle Miniatures one of which I reviewed here a while back:


In that review the subject was the lowly soldier with a mongrol in this review we will be going to the other end of the social scale officer and his Greyhound.

Castle Miniatures have chosen to depict one of the elite British regiments ...the 2nd Foot Guards ( Coldstream ) in it we have a officer who is tall, thin and with a wiry body , striking a pose left hand on hip , the other bent with a riding crop in hand ...., he has a long pointed nose ....just like his canine companion that sits upright next to his master.

  • Our subject wear the undress uniform coat folded back to reveal the blue facings that together with the bicorne with a very flamboyant group of feathers on the crown
  • On his chest we have medal possibly the Waterloo with a service bar
  • Around the waist we see a crimson sash in silk net, this was about 6" wide and 88" long with 10" long tassel fringe, the Lt coy officers ( which is depicted in the resin ) had crimson silk cords with "bell rope" tassels.
  • Pantaloons were white buckskin being worn with half boots if not on duty
  • Sword consists of a very expensive "mameluke" style of weapon

This is a painted version from Castle Miniatures website​


Hunting was a much in vogue in this period and hounds were treasured commodities used fro such as well as pampered family members , often depicted in paintings in the household and stately homes of the upper classes like our officer with the purchase of rank in the select regiments also being done .



Some uniform references for you :


Hera are some really good books to look out for:

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zzzz.jpg zzz.jpg



Continued in next post

Lets open up that box

Details of the release

Title: Lieutenant of 2nd Regiment of Foot Guards with greyhound

Reference: C75 - 03

Scale: 75mm

Material: Grey Resin

No of parts: 9

Sculptor : Vladmir Danilov

Box Art: N/A on Review box

Painted version above (this is the box art): Kirill Kanaev

As with the majority of companies nowadays the parts were held in a good cardboard box with a black and white picture on the top ( the box art has since been completed by Kirill ) , the resin parts themselves were held in clear resealable bags .

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 001.jpg
The resin consists of the main figure with left arm , the right arm , head , feather plume , back piece of the whip/crop, sword, 2 halves for the dog and a base.

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 002.jpg

General thoughts

  • The figure is early regency with the flamboyance of the uniform and the fact he has a "Waterloo" medal.
  • Casting is of a high quality on flawless resin

Armed with my trusty optiviisor I searched for casting lines all over ...none could be found ...very happy

There is minimal work to be done to the remaining pieces

  • Main Figure ...remove the small "L" shaped casting pieces from under boots
  • Feathered plume....remove the small casting post and fit to head wear
  • Sword...Remove casting post from the strap , tiny flashing between knot cords
  • Arm...Casting plug to remove from elbow and fit
  • Whip end ....remove small post on elbow and small one from hanging strap
  • Dog...Tiny excess on tail , small amount of filler needed when parts together
That's it ...very little work indeed so wash the figures , dry and prime and paint

Lets look at the pieces now

Main figure

Standing upright as sid hand on hip right leg slightly back , first impressions ...a quality sculpt full of details.....

The collar is peeking over the top edges above the cravat that is wrapped round the neck , very good folds in this , at the point where the lower collar meets there is a rather nice lace ruff again well shown .

Running down the front middle we see the lapels buttoned in pairs on each side , these are well formed the actual edging has the lacework in place , really good definition

Moving to the shoulders , on the left we have the Light company wings ...this is a really beautifully detailed area with the fringed edges , the epaulette has the regiments badge and the hunting horn above , these are clearly seen and a joy to see , the one on the right has just the epaulette with a locating piece that brings the wing together when the arm is fitted .

Both the collar and cuffs have lace around the edges as has the rear pockets and coat tails.

Looking at the rear of the figure the first thing to note are the well defined clothing seams , very well done , the coat tails have a bugle horn on each one again as good as the other on the wings.

Around the waist the sash with good texture , the rear where its joined is pulled together with a small toggle type securing it , leading from this there are the cords and the tassels on in type and all well detailed.

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 011.jpg
Just below the wait we have the sword belt with the snake "S" clasp , the strap runs round under the coat tails at which point there is the upper sword connecting belt ...nice work on the buckle and scabbard ring .

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 010.jpg

Pantaloons are crafted well to the leg shape leading down to the hessian style boots , the tops have lace and a tassel again nicely done.

Both the uniform and the trouser have good natural folds in position

Lastly there is of course the medal ...a very impressive bit of work ...sitting proudly on the chest .

With all this great sculpting and quality casting painting is going to be a pleasure for sure.

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 003.jpg

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 006.jpg

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 004.jpg
Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 009.jpg
Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 008.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 007.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 005.jpg

A great start for sure


There is only, the right to fit this is cleverly engineered withe the actual wing being sculpted to the arm edge at the shoulder , this fits extremely well onto the epaulette on the main figure , details are very good as expected the work on the gloved hands the same applies , the edge of the crop is a gem ...a horses head ....very accurate and very much the image of the officers wealth, the end has a loop , fit is as explained previously.

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 016.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 017.jpg Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 018.jpg


Wearing the fore and aft bicorne, well shaped with good tassel hanging out at the points , the cockade and cord on the right side well sculpted , on the top there is the locating hole fro the plume of feathers

The work on the head continues with a good face , like the nose and the protruding chin

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 012.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 013.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 014.jpg


This is a flurry of feathers , blowing around in the wind , individually worked and looking good when in place.

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 019.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 020.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 021.jpg


In mameluke style, with a fancy handle , scabbard is nicely shaped and has a long heel on it , on the handle there is a sword knot , delicate and with good cording , fit is easy and accurate by means of a small piece of resin on the rear of scabbard fitting well to the cutout on the left thigh .

Good to see the lower strap cast on is excellent

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 024.jpg

Continued in next part

On now to the final parts


Cast into 2 parts fitting together well with a little bit of filling and sanding needed where they meet.

The left side has the neck and head sculpted with the other side fitting just where the collar is .

The pose is one of alertness , head held high the long legs evident , good muscle definition , the neck is powerful leading to the head , good sculpting on the greyhounds features , the long snout , slightly pointed, ears folded down , the collar he wears is studded with a drop pendant at the front , perhaps the regimental badge.

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 031.jpg Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 025.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 026.jpg Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 029.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 030.jpg

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 027.jpgCastle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 028.jpg

I said "he" and its certainly a male , we have the necessary equipment in place!!!

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 032.jpg


A simple but suitable round base with textured surfaces , locating cutouts for the 2 subjects.

Castle Miniatures Dogs Life 2nd FG Greayhound 033.jpg

Final Thoughts

Another good addition to this series of "Dogs Life" , great sculpting well cast and packed with details , minimal prep , and bags of characater both in the Officer and the Greyhound

Highly recommended(y)

Before I finish lets enjoy some more shots of the piece firstly some unpainted


Now the painted version


For more details on this and other releases from Castle Miniatures why not go to the website:

or of course there is the FB page

or PM here on PF

Or by e mail to : [email protected]

Thanks to Alex at Castle miniatures for the review piece and for you all for looking in

Happy Modelling

Super review Kevin thank you. Whilst not 'my thing' to paint, I think this dog and owner range by Castle Mins. is one of the most imaginative ranges created within the hobby for many years now.

Hi Guys

Thanks for the comments it's a fine piece

Richard in respect the figure being available separate might I suggest you contact Alex at Castle Ministures via PM or website .

ZC goodness you are right's got legs !...LOl nice one Luc

Thanks for looking in

Great review of a beautiful figure. My only critique is that the figure takes some artistic license in creating this scene, i.e., as a greyhound owner, I have never seen this breed sit like this canine. Only time I've seen a hound sit is for a quick scratch. A minor quibble re: a very nice figure (and one I intend to buy).