Hi All,
I've put together a stash of items that may interest a few of you. I've not added any prices as I have no intention of selling - I want to trade. That being said, I've put together a list of items that I'm interested in or looking for. I'm open to others too, but you'll see...a complete change in area of interest. Please contact me direct at [email protected]
Here's what I have to trade (pics below):
Verlinden 120mm #1375 Corporal 5th Georgia Infantry (complete & unstarted)
Legend & Lore 120mm #004 Nathan Bedford Forrest (inner bag sealed)
Legend & Lore 120mm #015 Badass Biker (Terminator) (inner bag sealed)
Legend & Lore 1/9 #001 Confederate Guerrilla Missouri, 1865 (Clint Eastwood) (in original shrink-wrap)
S&T 1/9 STP 9001 Confederate Infantryman Bust (Rosengrant)(in original shrinkwrap)
Warriors 1/6 6004 "Swashbuckler" (still factory sealed)
Here's the type of stuff I'm looking for:
Classy Hobby 1/16 Luchs
Classy Hobby 1/16 M5A1
Eduard 1/16 Schwimmwagen
Jeff Shiu 1/16, 1/9 (non-para)
Jim Shirley 1/16 vehicles
Legends & Lore 1/16 (German Officers)
Profiline 1/16 resin conversions
Recon Productions 1/9 LRRP Busts
S&T 1/16 WWII figures
Sol 1/16 M4A3E8 Sherman
Sol 1/16 US Jeep, trailer, & crew
Trumpeter 1/16 Panther G early
Warriors 1/16, 1/9 figures
Other brands of 1/16 vehicles & WWII figures too…(Fort Royal, Imperial Gallery, Dreamcatcher, etc.)
Again - please contact me direct at [email protected] - I can't frequent the board to monitor PMs in a timely manner.
I've put together a stash of items that may interest a few of you. I've not added any prices as I have no intention of selling - I want to trade. That being said, I've put together a list of items that I'm interested in or looking for. I'm open to others too, but you'll see...a complete change in area of interest. Please contact me direct at [email protected]
Here's what I have to trade (pics below):
Verlinden 120mm #1375 Corporal 5th Georgia Infantry (complete & unstarted)
Legend & Lore 120mm #004 Nathan Bedford Forrest (inner bag sealed)
Legend & Lore 120mm #015 Badass Biker (Terminator) (inner bag sealed)
Legend & Lore 1/9 #001 Confederate Guerrilla Missouri, 1865 (Clint Eastwood) (in original shrink-wrap)
S&T 1/9 STP 9001 Confederate Infantryman Bust (Rosengrant)(in original shrinkwrap)
Warriors 1/6 6004 "Swashbuckler" (still factory sealed)
Here's the type of stuff I'm looking for:
Classy Hobby 1/16 Luchs
Classy Hobby 1/16 M5A1
Eduard 1/16 Schwimmwagen
Jeff Shiu 1/16, 1/9 (non-para)
Jim Shirley 1/16 vehicles
Legends & Lore 1/16 (German Officers)
Profiline 1/16 resin conversions
Recon Productions 1/9 LRRP Busts
S&T 1/16 WWII figures
Sol 1/16 M4A3E8 Sherman
Sol 1/16 US Jeep, trailer, & crew
Trumpeter 1/16 Panther G early
Warriors 1/16, 1/9 figures
Other brands of 1/16 vehicles & WWII figures too…(Fort Royal, Imperial Gallery, Dreamcatcher, etc.)
Again - please contact me direct at [email protected] - I can't frequent the board to monitor PMs in a timely manner.