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franck edet

A Fixture
Feb 14, 2017
Hello Friends,

yesterday i found the courage to start this fantastic piece, i bought it a couple of years ago and was blown out by its complexity so it just stayed in my "to do ... one day" stock.

Once i built it i realized how depressing it was and i decided to change the global mood of this piece :

1/ i unchained her from the pole by carefully cutting off the chains with a very fine scalpel
2/ i won't use the bleeding Human heart and will replace it by something else (still to be found!)

so here i am now after priming (matt black from a Krylon spray can ) being done :

I first covered the skin with a mix of deep blue and violet 50/50
then i added sunny skin tone to the mix to place a first light (which i call volume light) 80/20
and finally i added pale skin to the last mix to push a little bit more the volumes. 80/20
this is the end of airbrushing. time to get the paintbrush out now :)

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as i said i don't want her to be a depiction of sadness and sorrow so for the moment i have an idea of using blue jays (the bird) as a guide for the wings ... but as you know : everything could change during the process :)

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Sunday ... Fun day :)

i begun the work ..... NO : i freakin' had fun painting the wings :)

all ref are scalecolors acrylics, no airbrush, brush is W&N series 7

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Blue(s) :

Navy blue as a global heavy glaze
tesla blue and adriatic blue for highs
hint of white

This one is a real trip to paint as the sculpt is sooooooo perfect and complex
Hi Franck

Great to see you putting your take on this release , as always you rethink a piece ....do like the idea of the wings , they are coming along nicely ....would definately push the blue colouring

If I may the details are a little difficult to see due IMO to a dark background perhaps lighten ?

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

....would definately push the blue colouring

yes for sure, this is my first sketch to place colors, but they are way more vivid in real :

If I may the details are a little difficult to see due IMO to a dark background perhaps lighten ?

the pictures were taken in the end of the afternoon outside ... the light was really down and my cell phone was to its limits :)
next pictures will be definitely better :)

cheers !
hello dear friends,

today was a great day at the bench, i pushed the painting of the wings with a kind of "Avatar" feeling, and finally for the first time i'm pleased with my gold NMM ... :)

Also i have find where to go with this in terms of final goal ... but let me keep this for me for the moment :)

all acrylics S75, paintbrush only.


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hello dear friends,

the more i look at this piece the more i think of Aztec's gods ... am i the only one ?
hello Friends,
i keep working on this project, and the more i work on it, the more i feel in love with this out of the world sculpt ! incredible !

i have added water made from resin and slowly created ripples with heavy acrylic gel, the gem is a real swarovski crystal ... she's a fairy doing fairies' stuff :)

i've done some touch-up too on the NMM to warm it up a little bit : an orange glaze helped a lot :)


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i really would like to read your thoughts on this one !

cheers !
Evening Frank - Only just tuned into this one and just love it:D

Got to admit the original images I saw on their website didn't really inspire me, but seeing your version I can understand it now. Love how it's turning out and agree there is something that puts me in mind of the South American Gods. . . .

The water effects are excellent and suit the figure very nicely, giving a purpose to the pose (y)

Great job
L.H. , Paul, thanks for commenting :)

Keeps your eyes locked while looking at all the small details.

yes there are so many little details everywhere ... and just thinking of how put them in view is a mind blower !

Love how it's turning out and agree there is something that puts me in mind of the South American Gods. . . .

The water effects are excellent and suit the figure very nicely, giving a purpose to the pose (y)

Thanks Paul, so i'm not crazy thinking of Aztecs, Incas etc. ... pfewwww i was not sure of my sanity hahahahaha . I have to agree with you that the out of the box fig and its box art are really depressing, that'S why i unchained her and go for a totally different mood :) (the worst to me was the human heart on a kind of tentacle ...)

cheers !