Foxwood Figures
Well-Known Member
I understand that some modellers have been online expressing frustration about the difficulty of finding out details about Foxwood Figures, their stock and how to contact them, with comments about lack of websites, not attending shows, no eBay listings and just no general advertising of figures etc.
Me too!! I am highly frustrated, much, much more than any customer.
The problem is one of health: I have not been lucky with my health and it has caused me all sorts of problems. I do not intend to list the various health issues that I have but, as an indication, I have now survived 6 heart attacks and a Stroke since 2011 – and they are not the main issues!
Indeed, the whole Foxwood Figure thing was based on medical advice to set up and run it not as a business but as an occupational therapy, a therapy to distract me from my various health issues, especially my chronic pain, and especially during those periods between morphine and other medications when the going gets tough.
As it is, I only spend a few hours per week actually working on Foxwood Figures because my health is so fragile. But I do spend many more hours thinking about new figures and that helps to keep me distracted from the pain, so the medical goal is achieved if nothing else.
Let’s look at some of the issues from my point of view.
Websites. I do not have a website, although I have often looked into it, because if I have a health relapse as an order is placed, it could take me up to 2 weeks to recover and process it. The customer will, quite rightly, feel aggrieved at such a poor service and I will get a poor name and absolutely hammered on forums like this one. I thought it better to dodge that bullet before it’s fired!
As for model shows, I have never been well enough to attend any as a trader - it’s hard enough as a visitor to my local show 15 minutes drive away! – and I doubt that I ever will. It’s sad. It’s not right. But that is how it is.
I did set up a Facebook page but that was hacked in May 2023 and, despite months of trying to regain control through Facebook, I eventually gave up when they banned me for breaking their rules! I still don’t know what I did!
I have however set up a new Facebook page, Foxwood Figures 2023, that I am slowly rebuilding and I can take messages on that page. It does not yet show all my stock and will take a while to do so but it will show new figures, test builds (currently a new, unusual, WW2 German figure), painting and builds (only average!) and existing stock pictures. Well worth following if you are on Facebook.
As for eBay, I still occasionally list on eBay but it is inflexible, expensive and so biased towards buyers to be unfair to honest traders. Too many false claims of kits not being received despite proof of delivery, where eBay always finds in favour of buyers and made me refund in full. No, not refund. They took the money from my account, something their rules allow. So not a stress less thing listing on eBay.
If people want to see my current stock simply email me and I will send you a simple, crude, Excel spreadsheet with pictures and prices of current stock. Figures are listed by scale so both my model figure range and classic figure range is included. It is cheap and cheerful but it works. Email me for one.
My email is [email protected] for a stock schedule.
I have not used PF much and that is a fair criticism that I will try to change with this posting.
I do continue to have resin casting issues with only one caster regularly delivering within a reasonable time (thank you Richard!). One resin caster has sat on masters for over a year without casting them.
I have started using a Polish caster who is helping me with my first steps into 3D printing and that is exciting.
If you know of any resin casters with capacity to take more orders then please let me know. MDP have just decided to specialise in smaller scale figures (28/35mm) plus a few larger scale ones for closer friends so I need to replace them as resin casters. UK based casters are preferred to avoid shipping and customs charges and to allow access to the courts if masters are not returned, an experience I have had with a well-known caster in Europe.
But it has to be what it is. Foxwood Figures is not a normal business and is an enjoyable and working occupational therapy for me, albeit one with some frustrations. I may not always have all my range of figures available but at least I make some available, some that will otherwise be lost to modellers, so I am happy with that especially as I also have my own new figures to release.
So, in summary, yes, I have been and I suspect will continue to be, less visible than many other model figure businesses but what I have works around my health status and that must always, always, take precedence, as it does for all of my life. It’s not fair. It’s not right. But it is what it is.
If you want to know what stock I have then just send me an email and I will let you know what I have in stock.
I hope that this helps.
Me too!! I am highly frustrated, much, much more than any customer.
The problem is one of health: I have not been lucky with my health and it has caused me all sorts of problems. I do not intend to list the various health issues that I have but, as an indication, I have now survived 6 heart attacks and a Stroke since 2011 – and they are not the main issues!
Indeed, the whole Foxwood Figure thing was based on medical advice to set up and run it not as a business but as an occupational therapy, a therapy to distract me from my various health issues, especially my chronic pain, and especially during those periods between morphine and other medications when the going gets tough.
As it is, I only spend a few hours per week actually working on Foxwood Figures because my health is so fragile. But I do spend many more hours thinking about new figures and that helps to keep me distracted from the pain, so the medical goal is achieved if nothing else.
Let’s look at some of the issues from my point of view.
Websites. I do not have a website, although I have often looked into it, because if I have a health relapse as an order is placed, it could take me up to 2 weeks to recover and process it. The customer will, quite rightly, feel aggrieved at such a poor service and I will get a poor name and absolutely hammered on forums like this one. I thought it better to dodge that bullet before it’s fired!
As for model shows, I have never been well enough to attend any as a trader - it’s hard enough as a visitor to my local show 15 minutes drive away! – and I doubt that I ever will. It’s sad. It’s not right. But that is how it is.
I did set up a Facebook page but that was hacked in May 2023 and, despite months of trying to regain control through Facebook, I eventually gave up when they banned me for breaking their rules! I still don’t know what I did!
I have however set up a new Facebook page, Foxwood Figures 2023, that I am slowly rebuilding and I can take messages on that page. It does not yet show all my stock and will take a while to do so but it will show new figures, test builds (currently a new, unusual, WW2 German figure), painting and builds (only average!) and existing stock pictures. Well worth following if you are on Facebook.
As for eBay, I still occasionally list on eBay but it is inflexible, expensive and so biased towards buyers to be unfair to honest traders. Too many false claims of kits not being received despite proof of delivery, where eBay always finds in favour of buyers and made me refund in full. No, not refund. They took the money from my account, something their rules allow. So not a stress less thing listing on eBay.
If people want to see my current stock simply email me and I will send you a simple, crude, Excel spreadsheet with pictures and prices of current stock. Figures are listed by scale so both my model figure range and classic figure range is included. It is cheap and cheerful but it works. Email me for one.
My email is [email protected] for a stock schedule.
I have not used PF much and that is a fair criticism that I will try to change with this posting.
I do continue to have resin casting issues with only one caster regularly delivering within a reasonable time (thank you Richard!). One resin caster has sat on masters for over a year without casting them.
I have started using a Polish caster who is helping me with my first steps into 3D printing and that is exciting.
If you know of any resin casters with capacity to take more orders then please let me know. MDP have just decided to specialise in smaller scale figures (28/35mm) plus a few larger scale ones for closer friends so I need to replace them as resin casters. UK based casters are preferred to avoid shipping and customs charges and to allow access to the courts if masters are not returned, an experience I have had with a well-known caster in Europe.
But it has to be what it is. Foxwood Figures is not a normal business and is an enjoyable and working occupational therapy for me, albeit one with some frustrations. I may not always have all my range of figures available but at least I make some available, some that will otherwise be lost to modellers, so I am happy with that especially as I also have my own new figures to release.
So, in summary, yes, I have been and I suspect will continue to be, less visible than many other model figure businesses but what I have works around my health status and that must always, always, take precedence, as it does for all of my life. It’s not fair. It’s not right. But it is what it is.
If you want to know what stock I have then just send me an email and I will let you know what I have in stock.
I hope that this helps.