Hello Mr. Jai
In first place I want to express my gratitute to your comment... You are very kind...
About the details of 3D arent good... I can have the same opinion that you Sir... My appollogies... The details with 3D are very good and very detailed... In my opinion, of course, the details that we put in our fiogures are very good, and like some people says... They are impressive... We dont are better than no one... Has matter the fact, we are very small... But we are RPmodels... And we have our convictions, ideas and believes, and we put a big detail and textures in our figures....
About the weapon... You can change the place were we put the weapon... But, before we lauch a figure we do some tests in a Softwaire Moviment, just to check if everthing is alright and to confirm the anatomy... If its proporcional with the pose... When you put the rifle in the other side, and when we put our soldier in fight with the enemy, the lance sometimes are stuck with weapon... And we decided to put in the other side... But you can change, there are no problem with that...
Thank you Sir... And thank you for believe in us...
With best regards
Hugo Pereira