Greetings All,
This is a 1/12 cale bust of a French Commander at Dien Bien Phu.I could not get a likenes of Marcel Bigeard but anyways an Officier it is.
Comments welcome.
Andy, over all this is a nice pose and interesting subject. The thumb on the hand looks too short. It looks as if it is missing the middle segment. The shape is nice, but too short IMO. He also looks a tad "rough". Like the shirt and such could use a tad bit of cleanup in the nooks and crannies. Over all a great effort though!
Thanks for your comments.Jay,I have added a belt and am working on the finish with teel wool and reworking the smoothing which is ome thing i have to work on in any case.
I saw a pose similar to a drawing/photo (Mil Illustrated?) on the Marcel Bigeard figure. Damned good sculpting. If I may comment, perhaps you can beef him up around the chest. The gentleman in question appeared to be bulkier.