First figure sclupting by my friend Michel Hupet; that the old must well know; has the sculpture back after 15 years of rest, I took big pleasure has paint it .
your commentary are wellcom
Great painting Francis. I've seen this recently in a show gallery online. I thought it was very nice then and wondered who painted it.... now I know. Which show did I see it at?
PS I hope it was the same one, It'll be very embarrassing if it was a different figure.
Tank's for the compliment Roger,you could see this figure in three reports Amss Antwerpens, Monrouge Paris, Sbf Bruxelle, we received in the three a silver medal and some special prices now i have one more figure from Michel Hupet to paint a french Turco thi's one is here even more beautiful i wil post wen the painting is over
Hello Francis,
I saw this at our show in Antwerp. It is more stunning in reality then on the pictures.
First i thought it was a new one from JMD (as i told you then). Maybe you can talk with Michel to let JeanMarie do the casting for this awesome figure.
Salut Francis,
Superbe duo ... j'ai vu quelques master de Michel à Montrouge ... Génial et il n'a pas perdu lamain ... Ta peinture est très bell comme d'habitude dailleurs ... o)
Hi Francis,
Hi Michel,
Very nice sculpting and very nice painting ... only one picture ?
It is an excellent work and Congratulations on the awards to a new dream team
Wonderful figure, lots of character a real soldier in my eyes and the paintwork is superb. I would love to see this figure become commercial, we can only hope it does.
tank's all for your commentary and your congratulation Marc, Jay, Guy, Costas my friend, David, Pat, Jhon, and Don.
Merci Daniel comme tu le dis Michel n'a pas perdu la main ......