Future Ospprey releases


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Oct 1, 2003
Guys, Here are the covers final for a few I'm interested in seeing/owning.

Here's what a lot of you have been waiting for.
the French and Indian war title looks promising, just makes me wonder how much Indian stuff they might have ommitted - because the fragment posted on their site is all high on the French comming down to Ohio bla bla bla, until I see it I am going to wander if the writer has ever read mr. White 'The Middle Ground" or Mr. Starkey 'The European and Native American Warfare,' so I have to wait to see if this book is about colonial armies or the native warriors, but already they put on the cover one Indian warrior and about five French soldiers against smoke-covered English regulars.... but still cannot wait...
just to butress the Indian-French proportions in the Braddock battle - 600 Indians (Potttawatomi, Wyandot, Miami, Shawnee, Ottawa... pretty plenty to show in their 8 plates in the book), 208 French regulars, 146 militia.... so we shall see - after all Osprey is nto known for the finest research in to the matters
Dariusz, Note the Monogahela title is an Osprey CAMPAIGN title, they only contain 1-3 two page color illustrations and a few color "bird's eye" view type maps. What figure reconstructions you will see will be in the illustrations. I can tell you the British troops on the cover appear accurately dressed for Braddocks campaign. Instead of the usual red breeches/waistcoats worn underneath the coat they instead have what are supposed to be breeches/waistcoats made of the much cooler osnaberg. I've yet to see a figure painter/sculptor get these items right when doing miniatures from "Braddock's defeat", including the "bigshots".~Gary