Galeba ally of Regio Esercito


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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
In the firs months of WWII in South-West Ethiopia (Rudolph Lake) the Galeba (also called Merille or Daasanach) people fought beside the Italian Royal Army (Regio Esercito Italiano) as irregular troops against the British troops and prooved to be brave warriors despite the old weapons supplied (Vetterli 70/87/16 rifles).

One of these warriors is the subject of this miniature in 1/24th scale (72 mm). It's not properly "sculpting" since I've assembled parts of 3d models found in the network to the desired posture. I also used green-stuff, copper wire and other stuff ... the rifle is my own 3d design but still to complete.
Some work is needed on the right arm and on the right hand that will go together with the rifle

I can't show the reference photos because of copyright but any information can be found on the book of G. Zorzetto: "Con i dubat del II gruppo bande Akobo nella II Guerra Mondiale" (with the dubat* of the 2nd Group of Packs "Akobo" in the WWII"

*dubat: colonial somali troops in the Italian Royal Army

Any hint will be more than welcome!


very nice and an unusual subject.
what 3D printer did you use and did you have much post-processing to get that finish?
Thanks Merryweather,
I use Elegoo Mars 3d printer and the post processing hasn't been too much. Most of finishing has been done with a glass fiber pen.
Hi Eppi

Great subject choice and certainly very different , nice pose , certainly has commercial possibility if that's a maybe ....if not it will paint up well

Look forward to more on this

Happy benchtime

Hi Eppi,
Nice idea, you would have been better cutting the arm than breaking the wrist. If you cut the arm as shown then the hand would be intact and at the same position and the re-assembled arm would have been a seemless joint to the wire upper arm decoration.
Thanks, Richie,
well, that would be a good idea and, actually, I also thought to cut the arm just were the bracelet starts.
But the angle of the original hand wouldn't allow the rifle to lean on the shoulder without bending the arm with an unnatural angle just where you point the arrow .
That's why I at last decided to break the wrist.
I'll do my best with some putty to fill the gap and, in case of troubles, I'll give a wrist bracelet to the warrior ;)

Edit @ Richie ... I think I've to explane that the figure is made of several 3d models (1. head; 2.right arm; 3. left arm; 4. torso and 5. legs), printed and then assembled; the right arm was not originally intended to keep a rifle and I have modified it to this purpose ;) .

Thanks a lot to all those who liked my figure :)
Hi Gents!
After a long time the Gheleba warrior is ready to fight!
It will be part of a scene with two more figures still wip (but next to finish) :joyful:

Thanks for watching!

Galeba_02.jpg Galeba_01.jpg IMG_20230904_173216_486~2.jpg